What can I say? When you're the best, you're the best!!
Detroit Red Wings beat's Shit ass Sharks, 4 -1! Woo hoo!!!!
If you didn't know, I'm a huge Hockey fan! It's the best sport ever! EVER!! I'm a hardcore Detroit fan too! Mr Goose and I have been trying to get together and go to a hockey game but it hasn't happend. It will and when it does, all hell will break loose! Just a fair warning.
#96- Tomas Holmstrom
That is my boy! He's a fuckin' tank. My other half isn't anywhere near into hockey like I am. This was the first game he's watched with me in awhile. Did I annoy him too. Apparently my yelling and jumping up was keeping him from hearing the game. I asked, "Why do you need to listen, they're fighting" He eventually fell asleep! Asleep! During one of the most important games? How? Why? Who care's now, my boys won!
And I can't forget :

Okay, catch my breath, sorry this is jumbled but YEEEAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!

for whineluvr
...shitass sharks.
Just kidding. I don't know a goddamn thing about sports at all. I do go to Sharks games when people have extra tickets though..that's alot of fun. Usually they are good seats and we get drunk since the Shark Tank is right downtown here.
I said Knoooooooooooooowwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!
What town I be Hailling from Mademoiselle!
Yeah Reprezentin that there Cow Town Cupcake!!!
And if you kinda did follow them there play offs ya would know who them Lousy Wings beat off to get to that there playoff round yall!!!
Yeah I know what you're gonna reply
SUck it Up!!!
Sucks to be MEah!!!
So your Sexiness beats off the fact you support stank ass teams
I gots mad love for ya kid especially when ya be pounding some Mutha Chiefing action yall
Love yaz Lacey
El Teddykevers