I never liked My Chemical Romance but, that one remix on The Underworld soundtrack is rather good.
I am having a coughing fit due to post nasal drip and a swollen tonsil. I only seem to have ailments on side of my body, usually my left. Anyhow I bought this book on Debbie Harry called Platinum Blonde, it is taking me forever to finish it. Things are happening, so I might as well share them. LITC will go back on the air this spring, I am currently in contract negotiations for my salary and a start date for my segments to start airing. I enjoyed my being off season break though. I am now a free agent, so I do some work for my friend Roland's eyectv show. I interviewed my girl Alexis' roller derby team. They were fun. Managing two bands get's a little tiring but, I enjoy both in very different ways. I had a great birthday, it was the best ever. It is amazing how people you have known for just a couple months can fulfill and inspire you and they sometimes seems that they can relate to you more than people that have known you for years. Me and the girls of LITC went out last night and we had a really great talk about living your life the way you like despite what others THINK may be a good fit for you. It was nice to hang out with older late 20 and 30 something year old women, who appreciate the independence of being a strong woman, who is career or goal minded and when they are in a relationship don't operate as half of a conjoined mess. Speaking of relationships, Kim asked me if I was devestated when my boyfriend broke it off. She was suprised by what I had to say....For the first 3 days I was really upset, because I felt betrayed and blindsided. I felt decieved. I remember telling myself to get out of bed and go to work. After that I was ready to just go on with life. Emotionally I had a clean slate. I felt liberated, like he had done me a favor. The best part was that I wasn't angry. To be honest, I have a GREAT job, excellent friends, two wonderful bands and an incredible family who supports what I do 100%. I have the ability to have a voice and tell the stories of people who I believe need to be heard and get several thousand homes to listen to me, while I am doing it. That's a great honor and responsibility. A boy not wanting to be with me, should be the last of problems. I don't have the traditional goals of getting married and having babies and having a roast in the oven every Thursday. Besides, I have fallen in love 3 times in the past couple of years. Atleast I am loving, did I mention Pisceans make great lovers? I have developed a hatred of phones, I never call anyone back anymore, its bad but, for right now, I don't like phones. I'll let you know when I do. I have dress from Macy's that I have yet to wear out. My mom finally got my taste down, its black and covers my knees.
I should be starting my new artwork at Fantasy Tattoo soon. I am finishing mapping out a side piece but, first I would like to sculpt my body better. The arms have to wait. If you need a new tattoo check out Fantasy Tattoo in Orange Park, FL, there is one in the burg too.
I think that is it for now, I am tired.
I am having a coughing fit due to post nasal drip and a swollen tonsil. I only seem to have ailments on side of my body, usually my left. Anyhow I bought this book on Debbie Harry called Platinum Blonde, it is taking me forever to finish it. Things are happening, so I might as well share them. LITC will go back on the air this spring, I am currently in contract negotiations for my salary and a start date for my segments to start airing. I enjoyed my being off season break though. I am now a free agent, so I do some work for my friend Roland's eyectv show. I interviewed my girl Alexis' roller derby team. They were fun. Managing two bands get's a little tiring but, I enjoy both in very different ways. I had a great birthday, it was the best ever. It is amazing how people you have known for just a couple months can fulfill and inspire you and they sometimes seems that they can relate to you more than people that have known you for years. Me and the girls of LITC went out last night and we had a really great talk about living your life the way you like despite what others THINK may be a good fit for you. It was nice to hang out with older late 20 and 30 something year old women, who appreciate the independence of being a strong woman, who is career or goal minded and when they are in a relationship don't operate as half of a conjoined mess. Speaking of relationships, Kim asked me if I was devestated when my boyfriend broke it off. She was suprised by what I had to say....For the first 3 days I was really upset, because I felt betrayed and blindsided. I felt decieved. I remember telling myself to get out of bed and go to work. After that I was ready to just go on with life. Emotionally I had a clean slate. I felt liberated, like he had done me a favor. The best part was that I wasn't angry. To be honest, I have a GREAT job, excellent friends, two wonderful bands and an incredible family who supports what I do 100%. I have the ability to have a voice and tell the stories of people who I believe need to be heard and get several thousand homes to listen to me, while I am doing it. That's a great honor and responsibility. A boy not wanting to be with me, should be the last of problems. I don't have the traditional goals of getting married and having babies and having a roast in the oven every Thursday. Besides, I have fallen in love 3 times in the past couple of years. Atleast I am loving, did I mention Pisceans make great lovers? I have developed a hatred of phones, I never call anyone back anymore, its bad but, for right now, I don't like phones. I'll let you know when I do. I have dress from Macy's that I have yet to wear out. My mom finally got my taste down, its black and covers my knees.
I should be starting my new artwork at Fantasy Tattoo soon. I am finishing mapping out a side piece but, first I would like to sculpt my body better. The arms have to wait. If you need a new tattoo check out Fantasy Tattoo in Orange Park, FL, there is one in the burg too.
I think that is it for now, I am tired.
The truth... I don't care much for them at all