What a great beginning of week.
For a stupid mistake..my sister was going to be obliged to abort.
The doctors (assholes) told her that her baby was deformed.
She did the same exam twice..and the result was the same.
But today she did the same exam for the third time (in another hospital) before going to the room where she had to abort.
The exam was ok.. Everything was perfect..The child is sane and strong.
We all have spent our 4 days like in a black hole..just waiting for this death.
Really dunno if "death" can be the right word to describe this situation.
Death kills life.
Which is the right word to define something that kills a life never born?
Btw.. Now everything is ok. A new life will be added to this earth.
This is a good way to believe in something..don't u think?
Dunno if my english has been able to support my thoughts today..Anyway..who cares?
For a stupid mistake..my sister was going to be obliged to abort.
The doctors (assholes) told her that her baby was deformed.
She did the same exam twice..and the result was the same.
But today she did the same exam for the third time (in another hospital) before going to the room where she had to abort.
The exam was ok.. Everything was perfect..The child is sane and strong.
We all have spent our 4 days like in a black hole..just waiting for this death.
Really dunno if "death" can be the right word to describe this situation.
Death kills life.
Which is the right word to define something that kills a life never born?
Btw.. Now everything is ok. A new life will be added to this earth.
This is a good way to believe in something..don't u think?
Dunno if my english has been able to support my thoughts today..Anyway..who cares?
Ci mi ricorda una cosa che mi ha raccontato mia madre, e cio di un dottore che voleva farla abortire al 5 mese, quando era incinta del mio fratello pi piccolo, (che ora ha quasi 18 anni). Di dottori cazzoni pieno il mondo, triste verit. Io sono estremamente favorevole all'aborto, quando una scelta consapevole, sulla quale si sicuri, quando si convinti che sia l'unica cosa giusta da fare...ma per un errore del medico sarebbe davvero disastroso.
Purtroppo non possiamo esimerci dal consultare questi professori, e per fortuna che ce ne sono anche tanti bravi.
Sono contenta che, alla fine, tutto si sia risolto e che presto avrai un nipotino/a!!!!!!!!
Baci zietto!!!