Just thought i would let everyone know that we made it to arizona safely and it KICKS ASS!! i wove it here. i dont think i ever realized how gay virginia was. but i still wove virginia. even if it's orientationally challenged. kiddin people, KIDDING!! ok so i've now been high in all of the following places: princeton, WV, marion, NC, cherokee, NC, pigeon forge,...
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yay it's friday! we left tennessee and now we're headed fer texas. i am jammin out to some pstick. much fun.
i didnt go to sleep last night so im soooooooo tiiiirrreeeedddd. but thats cool, because, texas, ya know. if any of you people ever get the chance to go to pigeon forge, i def suggest it, its ober fun. last night, we went to...
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What is a pigeon forge?
sounds like your having a blast
what life is about
sounds like your having a blast
what life is about

Glad ya had a good time, but it does look like ya need a nap

woo i finally figured out the blog! Dude, last night was sooo much fun! we went to dollywood and rode this rollercoaster nonstop (as in we never got out of the seat) for almost an hour! we would have gone longer but i started blacking out, such fun!!! today i slept in and had another one of my god awful nightmares. i think this one...
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Wow thats terrible. I wonder why its so prevalent.
P.S. There is an easier way to send messages back and forth, you can just add comments to my blog. When you go to my profile just click under "Comments" and write your message there, plus it will get your comment count up
P.S. There is an easier way to send messages back and forth, you can just add comments to my blog. When you go to my profile just click under "Comments" and write your message there, plus it will get your comment count up

Hi there I am new to SG as well and Have one friend that I know from my town.Im not so good at breaking the ice.But sometimes I get feelings when I hear about dreams or nightmares.And when there reaccuring I have usually a better feel.I know it sounds wierd, but true.If your interested send me a message with a discriptive account of your nightmares and I can see if I get a feel of its meaning