New Year's Eve was amazing, even if it was fraught with drama of the ex-bf variety, who decided to give me very unhelpful grief for... living.
I went to an excellent party in a duo of punk houses in the heart of Crown Heights, where everything was filthy and beautiful, just like the people, of which there were over a hundred. Bands played in each of the houses. There was dancing and drinking and jumping and smashing and lots of shivering, since it was fuck ass cold. I mainly hung back and watched it all happen, since I didn't really feel like I was a part of it; that's what happens when you live in an ivory tower for three years.
The next day I went to Coney Island beach with my one of my best friends in the universe, who I haven't seen in forever since she moved to New Orleans. We had a New Year's Day picnic on the sand, complete with sandy champagne and sandy croissants. It was too cold to eat, and too cold to drink, but that was sort of the point - absurd and grand like those British travelers who bring fine china on a safari. It was a magical, amazing day in my beloved, sacred place. Coney Island is what you will find if you cut my heart open.

I went to an excellent party in a duo of punk houses in the heart of Crown Heights, where everything was filthy and beautiful, just like the people, of which there were over a hundred. Bands played in each of the houses. There was dancing and drinking and jumping and smashing and lots of shivering, since it was fuck ass cold. I mainly hung back and watched it all happen, since I didn't really feel like I was a part of it; that's what happens when you live in an ivory tower for three years.
The next day I went to Coney Island beach with my one of my best friends in the universe, who I haven't seen in forever since she moved to New Orleans. We had a New Year's Day picnic on the sand, complete with sandy champagne and sandy croissants. It was too cold to eat, and too cold to drink, but that was sort of the point - absurd and grand like those British travelers who bring fine china on a safari. It was a magical, amazing day in my beloved, sacred place. Coney Island is what you will find if you cut my heart open.