Well, its time to update.
After having 6 whole days off in a row (only two of which I used my actual vacation days for), I come into work this morning to find about a hundred new emails, all of which need resolved by month end closing which is on Tuesday and Wednesday of this week. I brought my work laptop home and will probably do another hour or two of miscellaneous shit just so that I am able to keep up tomorrow. I guess its my punishment for trying to take vacation and keep myself sane. Apparently, The Man doesn't like it when you do that.
Since I've already started to rant, I got passed over for a promotion (a pretty big one), because our HR department said that we needed to be more 'diverse', so they hired minorities in off the street that have no prior experience with my company, instead of promoting me. After I graduate, The Man can suck a fat one, because I am taking my hard working, talented ass elsewhere.
I got a 58 on my test tonight.
I need to get my shit in gear, big time. Finals in two weeks.
I am having my wisdom teeth out on Thursday of this week. I will be out of work until Monday (possibly working from home), but definitely passed out at the parents and boy's house the rest of the time. Excuse my absence.
My boy and I went to see Alexander yesterday....it wasn't as bad as the review said it was, but still paled in comparison to Gladiator.
I hope everyone has a fantastic week, I won't be updating for a while. Show me love.
Oh - I'm in need of suggestions:
1. What kind of hairstyle would I look good with? (pics and face shape in my pics section)
2. Any good recommendations for skincare stuff? I don't have acne, but I do have uneven skin tone and small bumps that aren't white or blackheads. I don't like this, I used to have flawless skin. I drink tons of water.
3. Any good natural anti anxiety remedies? I feel anxious most of the time now and I'm sure its to do with the combo of school/work stress, but I don't want to go on pills. Help.
Edited to Add: I got an A on my Tuesday night test
Well, its time to update.
After having 6 whole days off in a row (only two of which I used my actual vacation days for), I come into work this morning to find about a hundred new emails, all of which need resolved by month end closing which is on Tuesday and Wednesday of this week. I brought my work laptop home and will probably do another hour or two of miscellaneous shit just so that I am able to keep up tomorrow. I guess its my punishment for trying to take vacation and keep myself sane. Apparently, The Man doesn't like it when you do that.
Since I've already started to rant, I got passed over for a promotion (a pretty big one), because our HR department said that we needed to be more 'diverse', so they hired minorities in off the street that have no prior experience with my company, instead of promoting me. After I graduate, The Man can suck a fat one, because I am taking my hard working, talented ass elsewhere.
I got a 58 on my test tonight.
I need to get my shit in gear, big time. Finals in two weeks.
I am having my wisdom teeth out on Thursday of this week. I will be out of work until Monday (possibly working from home), but definitely passed out at the parents and boy's house the rest of the time. Excuse my absence.
My boy and I went to see Alexander yesterday....it wasn't as bad as the review said it was, but still paled in comparison to Gladiator.
I hope everyone has a fantastic week, I won't be updating for a while. Show me love.
Oh - I'm in need of suggestions:
1. What kind of hairstyle would I look good with? (pics and face shape in my pics section)
2. Any good recommendations for skincare stuff? I don't have acne, but I do have uneven skin tone and small bumps that aren't white or blackheads. I don't like this, I used to have flawless skin. I drink tons of water.
3. Any good natural anti anxiety remedies? I feel anxious most of the time now and I'm sure its to do with the combo of school/work stress, but I don't want to go on pills. Help.
Edited to Add: I got an A on my Tuesday night test
you dont have 10..so that means i am definitely on your list!
I know it really shouldn't be, but THAT'S a relief