having little memory of what prompted me to be so upset to write myself as a fuck up I offer new insights...
i'm excited about a job interview i am scheduled for tomorrow the 7th. it's of the business professional persuasion and i am curious about how i will be received. now holding (or as of the 31st of the month i will be holding) a B.A. in Psychology i've decided that it was time to go out on a limb and try something more career orientated so i can start asking the questions about what it is that i really want to do. understanding that individuals my age- or simply fresh out of college- will likely have a few careers somewhere around 9 statistics like to say.
this company is an outsourcing marketing company looking for office management candidates. my B.A. (not in Marketing or Business) but rather Psychology makes me different to say the least. hopefully desirable.
so, naturally i spent the better or rather longer part of the day traversing the nearest mall for my very first suit. as i've learned business professional hangs onto the notion of the 3-piece look. i must have put that suit on some 8 times today trying to pair it off with the right tops which were, of course, not located on the same floor as suits were. (i think i was in Macy's for some 2 hours.... which excludes the nightmarishly long shoe shop because apparently i only buy knew high boots, sneakers, and ballerina flats....)
the winning suit is a skirt suit that is black with white dotted pin stripes. now while, if i stare in the mirror long enough and forget who i am it looks good but i seriously felt like i was wearing a disguise. i'm pairing the suit with a periwinkle bluish/ purple blouse that is just past the elbow with a neat lil keyhole slit at the neck that evenly divides the small scaled ruffle detail.
it perfectly covers my tattoos and my was that a challenge. i've also realized that despite wanting to get sleeves done- my ink that crosses over my arms much like the thin straps of an off the shoulder gown would can still be neatly covered by that short sleeve sweater/ collar shirt combo.
i was also mortified that some shirt weights- like the silks- are actually so transparent that you can see my tattoos (and logically my bra) straight through them.
but there was definitely something empowering about that suit. i also dressed to that quality today pairing a office style pencil skirt with a high neck sweater to see if i was treated like the misfit i usually am. and while i stopped at hot topic for neat jeweled plugs to "hide" my stretched lobes---- i got treated like a punk by a dirtbag boi who figured i didn't know a damn thing about their merch or style. which was true if you consider i've only bought body jewelry last minute from there and typically take my business to online shops.
regardless. wish me luck and with any i'll update tomorrow. maybe even with a pic of my suit--- if it turns out to be a lucky one.
i'm excited about a job interview i am scheduled for tomorrow the 7th. it's of the business professional persuasion and i am curious about how i will be received. now holding (or as of the 31st of the month i will be holding) a B.A. in Psychology i've decided that it was time to go out on a limb and try something more career orientated so i can start asking the questions about what it is that i really want to do. understanding that individuals my age- or simply fresh out of college- will likely have a few careers somewhere around 9 statistics like to say.
this company is an outsourcing marketing company looking for office management candidates. my B.A. (not in Marketing or Business) but rather Psychology makes me different to say the least. hopefully desirable.
so, naturally i spent the better or rather longer part of the day traversing the nearest mall for my very first suit. as i've learned business professional hangs onto the notion of the 3-piece look. i must have put that suit on some 8 times today trying to pair it off with the right tops which were, of course, not located on the same floor as suits were. (i think i was in Macy's for some 2 hours.... which excludes the nightmarishly long shoe shop because apparently i only buy knew high boots, sneakers, and ballerina flats....)
the winning suit is a skirt suit that is black with white dotted pin stripes. now while, if i stare in the mirror long enough and forget who i am it looks good but i seriously felt like i was wearing a disguise. i'm pairing the suit with a periwinkle bluish/ purple blouse that is just past the elbow with a neat lil keyhole slit at the neck that evenly divides the small scaled ruffle detail.
it perfectly covers my tattoos and my was that a challenge. i've also realized that despite wanting to get sleeves done- my ink that crosses over my arms much like the thin straps of an off the shoulder gown would can still be neatly covered by that short sleeve sweater/ collar shirt combo.
i was also mortified that some shirt weights- like the silks- are actually so transparent that you can see my tattoos (and logically my bra) straight through them.
but there was definitely something empowering about that suit. i also dressed to that quality today pairing a office style pencil skirt with a high neck sweater to see if i was treated like the misfit i usually am. and while i stopped at hot topic for neat jeweled plugs to "hide" my stretched lobes---- i got treated like a punk by a dirtbag boi who figured i didn't know a damn thing about their merch or style. which was true if you consider i've only bought body jewelry last minute from there and typically take my business to online shops.
regardless. wish me luck and with any i'll update tomorrow. maybe even with a pic of my suit--- if it turns out to be a lucky one.

how did the interview go?