my house is for sale. people constantly in and out tracking their dirt through my home. overlooking my life. noticing the unimportant things. utterly unimpressed by my lifestyle. the most frequent comment i get is "oh, they are like the dog from Men In Black". come now, can these people look at anything besides my dogs. oh! then there is the... "oh you play cello?" followed by the halfassed looking business card from a realtor. Edgardo "mission-man" trying to capitalize on the opportunity to exploit not only his realty agency but also his saxophone playing. then there's the, oh you paint?! yeah..... wondering what the shit this has to do with the house. open house is for both days this weekend so once again i don't get any sleep.
i'm just kinda enraged today. work sucked. classes exhausted me to the bone. but worse. i learn today from the cocaine addict @ work, that he has ringworm and his kids have scabies. totally turned my stomach.
wondering if i can find a way to hide at my cousins house this saturday and just play guitar hero.
my personal life is invaded. as payback i guess for a prospective home buyer stealing my pink bluetooth earbud, my room now smells like pot. eh, makes me feel better.
so todays lesson: smoke a blunt to the face and hit the pillow. HARD.
i had a lazy one. which qualifies.
yea i have people lookin at my house too, it sucks big time