Am I real enough to know what reality is?
Are you from an alternative reality so close that my only escape is to create my own reality?
What is reality?
We can be just a dream from someone, an imagination.
Do you believe in coincidences?
The probability that you want it to happen, and be true, makes you believe its unbelievable.
So why can't I...
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I’m just a figment of your imagination.
@inkedodie Maybe everyone we know is a fraction of our own personality.


I've created a Instagram account where I'll upload part of my texts and poems.

Hope you all enjoy it.

Tenebrae Fabulae

Saturday I'll upload more.


Direto e reto:
procuro novas amizades! ;D

Voltei há um mês para Porto Alegre - RS e gostaria de conhecer gente nova, ainda mais depois de nove anos morando na praia, aqui muita coisa mudou!

Conheço mais nada kkk

Bora tomar um chopp, uma ceva, uma vodka, um whiskey, pedalar na orla, pela cidade!

Obs.: Sei que...
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To all moms out there, you deserve the best. You ARE the best!

If weren't for you we would not be here today!

So, to all of us, children, sons, daughters, respect the best person in the word, your mother!

Remember to hug and show your love to your mother! Even if "she" is your father, hug him!

Don't forget who loved you not...
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Today I woke up happy. Just wanted to share this with you.

As always, stay awesome! :)

Why did I create one?
So, I finally made an OnlyFans, I was always ashamed of my body, but I always saw the SuicideGirls and I thought it was amazing what they (you girls!) are capable of.
So I decided to take a chance, why not?
Obviously, I don't have the best camera in the world, but I thought I should...
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Anytime is a good time to start a new life.

Never give up. Just do it. - It's easy to say that when you're not the one with problems.

Take your medicine! - It's easy to say it when you're not the one taking it.

Life's hard. Its true, so hard, but we can get over it, start again....
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