This is my interstate love song......
It start here on SG, maybe it should be more a international love song....but we came together across an interstate. September 2011, long weekend.
The anticipation of seeing the live person, who had listened to all my secrets, who had supported me as I fell apart, who stole my heart before I knew it.

the first time I ever felt that feeling. The actual feeling of things flying around inside my chest.... the minute I walked up the curved stairs and saw him standing at the top waiting.
Waiting on a Sunday afternoon
For what I read between the lines,

Your lies.
So do you laugh or does it cry?

Promises of what I seemed to be

Only watched the time go by,

All of these things you said to me.
Breathing is the hardest thing
To do. with all I've said and
All that's dead for you,
You lied - good bye

This is my former best friend's band. I am so proud of him because he is so talented and he is doing what he loves. I fucked things up with him. 6 years of friendship down the toilet cause i confessed I liked him more than a "friend".
I needed the night out. Needed to feel like I am a part of society and not some robot who does the exact same things at the exact same time day after day. I laughed, I felt pretty and sexy for once.
It start here on SG, maybe it should be more a international love song....but we came together across an interstate. September 2011, long weekend.
The anticipation of seeing the live person, who had listened to all my secrets, who had supported me as I fell apart, who stole my heart before I knew it.

the first time I ever felt that feeling. The actual feeling of things flying around inside my chest.... the minute I walked up the curved stairs and saw him standing at the top waiting.
Waiting on a Sunday afternoon
For what I read between the lines,

Your lies.
So do you laugh or does it cry?

Promises of what I seemed to be

Only watched the time go by,

All of these things you said to me.
Breathing is the hardest thing
To do. with all I've said and
All that's dead for you,
You lied - good bye

This is my former best friend's band. I am so proud of him because he is so talented and he is doing what he loves. I fucked things up with him. 6 years of friendship down the toilet cause i confessed I liked him more than a "friend".
I needed the night out. Needed to feel like I am a part of society and not some robot who does the exact same things at the exact same time day after day. I laughed, I felt pretty and sexy for once.
That's sad

You do need a night out... And you are pretty and sexy.... You stay strong