at the risk of sounding all whiny and shit here goes
I am so fucking beyond done with people, men in particular. I clearly have alot less self esteem than I initially thought because I continually let the same guys take advantage of me over and over again and take it with a smile on my face.
I am getting a divorce
I am leaving
I got a new car that will help me leave
I need to go to rehab again but refuse because fuck it
Realization number 1
Life really sucks
Realization number 2
Happiness is just the absence of something shitty
Realization number 3
I think I will concentrate on women from now on
Realization number 4
Stone doesn't love me and never will and somehow I can't get over that
Realization number 5
I think about hurting people alot more than I should
Realization number 6
Death is a warm welcome
Hitting the road, if you care to contact me, you know my digits

I am so fucking beyond done with people, men in particular. I clearly have alot less self esteem than I initially thought because I continually let the same guys take advantage of me over and over again and take it with a smile on my face.
I am getting a divorce
I am leaving
I got a new car that will help me leave
I need to go to rehab again but refuse because fuck it
Realization number 1
Life really sucks
Realization number 2
Happiness is just the absence of something shitty
Realization number 3
I think I will concentrate on women from now on
Realization number 4
Stone doesn't love me and never will and somehow I can't get over that
Realization number 5
I think about hurting people alot more than I should
Realization number 6
Death is a warm welcome
Hitting the road, if you care to contact me, you know my digits

- hugs