Wow the last time I wrote I dont remember.
Funny how a small change in your life has such a big impact.
So a summary of the time in between....
Promotion at work, own office, big responsibility, more communication with the hospitals and the patients. Its good I love it. I found my calling, it took a while but I guess I always believed it would happen.
Drama,,,, oh the drama. Not the Shakespearean drama I love, like petty, kindergarten drama at work, which is the beauty of me getting my own office.
I seem to be the object of jealousy by many co workers for what reasons I cannot figure out. My guess is they feel inferior that someone younger is smarter and the fact I am usually pretty damn happy at work and spread the sunshine.
So that being said, some blatant lies were told to HR about me and I got called into a meeting on them. Pointless but made me realize how sad it must be for some people, the have nothing to do in life but spread gossip and lies about others. After the initial stages of anger and revenge planning, I moved on to pity.
Tests and more tests,. to determine the seriousness of this blood disorder I have developed. Its frustrating to me because I am exhausted all the time, covered in bruises from stupid random things and I get a paper cut and bleed to death
I have a girl crush, she is the cutest, sweetest girl ever. With all the drama with men a woman may be the way to go :p.
I have a boy crush too, its been years but somethings happening.
My stranger is still on my mind, I think of him from time to time and as much as I hate to admit it, I do still love him. But I think age or experience or maybe a head injury has made me realize its impossible to make someone love you. I hate losing, but I have learned alot, I have to take that with me.
Oh and bender99 and texaspsych and stcyr and all the lovely ladies I miss from chat I wanted to tell you. I really do miss you. I am planning a trip (for realz this time) down your way. I plan on having at least coffee and conversation with each of you. :d
Oh and in breaking news........................
The hockey team I am coaching finally WON our first game on Thursday!!!! They are a good bunch of kids and i am learning just as much from them as them from I.
I will leave you with this in memory of _solipsist_ who will always be in my heart.
It was his favorite (or one of) song.
if you want to chat PM me and I'll give me you my bbm or digits or whateva!
Funny how a small change in your life has such a big impact.
So a summary of the time in between....
Promotion at work, own office, big responsibility, more communication with the hospitals and the patients. Its good I love it. I found my calling, it took a while but I guess I always believed it would happen.
Drama,,,, oh the drama. Not the Shakespearean drama I love, like petty, kindergarten drama at work, which is the beauty of me getting my own office.
I seem to be the object of jealousy by many co workers for what reasons I cannot figure out. My guess is they feel inferior that someone younger is smarter and the fact I am usually pretty damn happy at work and spread the sunshine.
So that being said, some blatant lies were told to HR about me and I got called into a meeting on them. Pointless but made me realize how sad it must be for some people, the have nothing to do in life but spread gossip and lies about others. After the initial stages of anger and revenge planning, I moved on to pity.
Tests and more tests,. to determine the seriousness of this blood disorder I have developed. Its frustrating to me because I am exhausted all the time, covered in bruises from stupid random things and I get a paper cut and bleed to death

I have a girl crush, she is the cutest, sweetest girl ever. With all the drama with men a woman may be the way to go :p.
I have a boy crush too, its been years but somethings happening.
My stranger is still on my mind, I think of him from time to time and as much as I hate to admit it, I do still love him. But I think age or experience or maybe a head injury has made me realize its impossible to make someone love you. I hate losing, but I have learned alot, I have to take that with me.
Oh and bender99 and texaspsych and stcyr and all the lovely ladies I miss from chat I wanted to tell you. I really do miss you. I am planning a trip (for realz this time) down your way. I plan on having at least coffee and conversation with each of you. :d
Oh and in breaking news........................
The hockey team I am coaching finally WON our first game on Thursday!!!! They are a good bunch of kids and i am learning just as much from them as them from I.
I will leave you with this in memory of _solipsist_ who will always be in my heart.
It was his favorite (or one of) song.
if you want to chat PM me and I'll give me you my bbm or digits or whateva!