I got another piece of my sleeve last night. The Chesire Cat. It was done so beautifully by Barry Chapman of Untouchable Ink. This is the best pic I can find.
I know _solipsist_, I will regret them in 10 years and beg to have them removed.
In other news, I may have a part time job at a tattoo shop within a couple months, which would be wicked awesome. I am still looking for another part time job because I am poor as shit right now.
I was manic yesterday and now I have come down from it. It is strange my manic episodes only last a day or so then something or someone brings me down. I wish I could be manic forever, just not a care in the world. No worries about whether he likes me or not, whether I am going to get a JOB, whether or not I am going to lose the house and what to do with my marriage. I am trying to be more open and communicative but it is very difficult. I find more solace writing things down on paper or virtual paper then actually talking to someone about them. Much to my psychiatrists chagrin. Not that she talks anyway. She pretty much writes out a prescription for drugs that make me brainless but dont cause manic depressive episodes.
I know a guy who is bi polar as well, he doesnt take meds for it. He controls it by eating right and just keeping busy. He is a artist and a very darn good one. My problem is my BiPolar is co morbid with ADHD which causes me great difficulty concentrating.
Dreams.... are a succession of thoughts, images sounds and emotions that the brain experiences during sleep. My dreams are almost always about the same place and the same person lately. He knows who he is. I dont know what this means and why I can't just have a normal dream of running through fields of dandelions or some shit like that. Sometimes in my dreams he loves me, sometimes he is angry and sometimes he is just him, sweet and gorgeous and so smart and I love him. Sometimes we hold hands and sometimes we scream at each other. We have passion he says. I dont know what these dreams mean but its starting to get to me.
Do you believe that dreams can somehow interpret future events?

I know _solipsist_, I will regret them in 10 years and beg to have them removed.
In other news, I may have a part time job at a tattoo shop within a couple months, which would be wicked awesome. I am still looking for another part time job because I am poor as shit right now.
I was manic yesterday and now I have come down from it. It is strange my manic episodes only last a day or so then something or someone brings me down. I wish I could be manic forever, just not a care in the world. No worries about whether he likes me or not, whether I am going to get a JOB, whether or not I am going to lose the house and what to do with my marriage. I am trying to be more open and communicative but it is very difficult. I find more solace writing things down on paper or virtual paper then actually talking to someone about them. Much to my psychiatrists chagrin. Not that she talks anyway. She pretty much writes out a prescription for drugs that make me brainless but dont cause manic depressive episodes.
I know a guy who is bi polar as well, he doesnt take meds for it. He controls it by eating right and just keeping busy. He is a artist and a very darn good one. My problem is my BiPolar is co morbid with ADHD which causes me great difficulty concentrating.
Dreams.... are a succession of thoughts, images sounds and emotions that the brain experiences during sleep. My dreams are almost always about the same place and the same person lately. He knows who he is. I dont know what this means and why I can't just have a normal dream of running through fields of dandelions or some shit like that. Sometimes in my dreams he loves me, sometimes he is angry and sometimes he is just him, sweet and gorgeous and so smart and I love him. Sometimes we hold hands and sometimes we scream at each other. We have passion he says. I dont know what these dreams mean but its starting to get to me.
Do you believe that dreams can somehow interpret future events?