Wow two posts in one day... I must be truly bored and it must be the fact that there is like 10 feet of snow outside. Also trying to keep my mind off things that take it over. So my friend said I should take the time to answer the following questions every day... or maybe once a week if I find myself busy. I answered them today and I though I would share with everyone... feel free to answer them yourself.
I want: to live my live to its fullest.
I wish: I had the courage to pick up and run away.
I love: my kids !
I miss: Todd and Sarah. I miss my freedom
I fear: not nearly as much as I should.
I hear: the kids fighting and screaming. Which makes me want to stab my ears with a pencil
I smell: Pancakes.
I wonder: where Ill be tomorrow?.
I want: to live my live to its fullest.
I wish: I had the courage to pick up and run away.
I love: my kids !
I miss: Todd and Sarah. I miss my freedom
I fear: not nearly as much as I should.
I hear: the kids fighting and screaming. Which makes me want to stab my ears with a pencil
I smell: Pancakes.
I wonder: where Ill be tomorrow?.