i never seem to sleep much.. or is it ever enough?

my head hurts..

I wish i had more to say.. but im getting fit.. so im exhausted..

So many hidden talents with so many secretly talented people drowned in the sea of society.. which makes everyone.. average..


feeling of the day Tired as Hell
yeah i would just die if i ever got2see that girl naked *drools* hehe is that really bad confused
i'm sure the artist im going to see is decent, so i dont have to worry about that, its rubbish that your at a 'damage control' stage tho.

Last weekend sounded about as fun for you as it was for me. I hate contemplating my future, it worries me a lot
i went to brighton on friday to see my uni mates, it really made me realise that i have to sort my life out and get some studying done if i dont want to be in a mundane job for the rest of my life. Ive been looking at some graphic design courses which i think would be good for me. Its hard though cos...
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hey sorry this took forever and a day to get back to you. ♥ me, dont hate....yet lol

Dawn of the Dead, well I could write you pages and pages of my opinion on this, but Ill save you and your brain the numb feeling you will get from reading my slosh. So instead Ill write you the kewt small "happy" version....

The original by my hero/god Romero was honestly my least favorite so far of his Zombie series. Not sure why, But maybe the fact its whole purpose was much more in your face then the rest.

Like all his zombie flicks, they all have a hidden agenda for its purpose. He goes on a whole play of what he sees/feels society is as that certain moment in time.

Dawns whole gimmick was that people, especially in the 80's flocked to malls with out a reason other then to walk around like mindless zombies. Listening to elevator music, and just walk slow, and in a direction that usually has no reason other then it felt right to go in to get lost in pop culture commercialism.

The remake, although good on its own, was pretty much just Hollywoods wake up call to the children of 2005. Just a horror, nothing more then that. No message. It had very few similarities.

-The Title*obviously*
-The Outside of the mall was exact
-Savani did the make up

But the whole purpose of the original? Nope not at all there. We saw one scene where they had the dull elevator music. And thats when they were all in the elevator. Alive I must add. Also not many take's of just zombies walking amongst the mall.

All in all it was a great movie to watch due to its eye candy with zombies mmmmm. But a remake? nah kinda like the remake of Tx Chainsaw. Just made money off a cult classic.

His newest in production is all based on how society depends on others to do things for them. And I hear hes kept to his basics. Least amount of computer generated graphics as possible and slow moving zombies. AWESOME. I swear watching say the remake of Night and then comparing it to Resident Evil(1st one). The zombies look MUCH better with the makeup from Night which was made in 91 compared to Resident which was all computer digitalized. People get too caught up in things and usually lose the meanings...

OKAY, that was way too long im sorry frown


OH AND uh sorry to tell u GWEN is mine, sorry frown

yes, you should go see an artist this weekend procrastination is good for no-one. I'm hoping getting tattooed wont be too painful for me because i've already planned more smile

My weekend wasnt great, but then i've had worse. I think i've just been running on adrenaline and now its all gone and i could sleep for weeks. What have you been doing then, was your weekend better than mine?
payday! at last!

hope you don't mind me randomly talking to you, your profile looks interesting is all.

Have you read any other Richard Matheson books? i really liked I am legend, but i've not found any others by him in my local bookshops.
Its offical, im broke.

My bank have cancelled my card i cant get any money out for the nxt 7 - 10 days.

I went to the pub on thursday and decided to drink not drive, i met a really cool girl who seems really nice.

Im going to get my hair cut in like 30 mins then i plan to come home and watch...
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I'm looking for some new bitches, if you want me to be your pimp. wink

I only charge 15%.
wohoo i finally passed my driving test. After i proceeded to drive a 600 mile round trip on the motor way for my nans funeral. frown

I seem to be spending most of my time driving somewhere. It gives me alot of freedom.

I went out to the pub on Thursday, i didnt drink cos i was driving, i never realised how much it sucks to...
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What tattoos do you have?
Today i will mostly be staying off work cos im ill


But im having a party on friday which ive invited FAR to many people too! mwahahaha
Feel better soon, and have a good one Friday
thanks for your comments about my grandad hun, sorry for the late reply smile

my new job is going really well, i love singing children's songs all day. haha

Drving Test at 1.33 today! 2nd time now. Lets hope i pass


UPDATE: I failed!

test 1. 4 minor errors 1 major

test 2. 6 minor errors 1 major!

Give me a fucking break!

Bummer frown
welcome back , and woo that's a lot of money haha. biggrin
hope you had a wicked time hun, think your back soon confused

thanks for the drink on thursday babe, when i've actually got some dollar i'll buy you one back!

ny sounds cool smile was it snowing there yet??

eeek yaya!! i wanna see, get some pictures

american food is just eeek huuuggge but your holiday, your allowed tongue

hope the jetlag isnt too bad

if i put my head to the side you do look vaugely familiar....

most of the time i'm pissed whne in the sheep so maybe blyurring my eyes will help... surreal

do'h skull

but yeah, no you dont look very happy *cheer up hun, could be worse, you could be vanessa feltz*

hey babe, i'm sure your journey will be fine! might well see you at sheep tonight, might be doing a late one tonight. dunno why i'm writing this as you've probably already left!

Apparently this is me;

If your born in AUGUST;

* Loves to joke
* Attractive
* Suave and caring
* Brave and fearless
* Firm and has leadership qualities
* Knows how to console others
* Too generous and egoistic
* Takes high pride of oneself
* Thirsty for praises
* Extraordinary spirit
* Easily angered
* Angry when provoked
* Easily jealous
* Observant...
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*hugs* thankyou hunny, when my face heals up i'll laugh in there faces!

oooh you got a camera phone, wicked, they're sooo much fun, i've forgotten what model nokia i've got but its got camera and it rules smile

yeah emo fringes are cool, my sorta friend called alex who also goes sheep is like "emo boy" and hes got it and its cool.

what colours your hair anyway? its hard to tell it your photo...

ha ha, loving the nurses outfit idea, i might just milk being ill just to see it confused <----innocent face *cough cough*

yeah, my saturday nights going wicked(!) had a fight with my ex girlfriend and then watched CSI, fantastic!!

hope your night was better then mine

hey babe, hope the hangovers better, sould be by now!!

do you go to brighton uni? i know people there!!

na, it wasnt a punch up fight, i'm not violent, well not really confused theres alwasy times that call for it!

i hate sundays, i feel soo low today frown one of those sad occasions where i'm actully looking forward to work tomorrow just to get out!! how bad is that??

csi rules, i've watched repeats but i'm lucky, i've got such a bad memory cause i never remember who done it anyway!!
