News for you fellas apperently the government has devolped away to see into the future, with random number sequecenes
Is that not the biggest crock of shit you have you ever heard !? Because corrrect me if I am wrong if the government could figure out a way to tell the future , wouldn`t someone have prevented Bill Clinton from winning two grammys for spoken word albums?
ps, who knows it could be true, but I find it hard to belive that our gorvenment can predict events that are about to happen be them natural disasters, (ahhhm sunami,) or be they bobmings ( hrrmmm 9/11) and other random misshaps by a series of random digits wouldn`t we have done something about this shit to begin with ? Oh shit I am on another one of those half thought through gaja enduced rants that I seem to subumb to! I smoke my weight in weeds these days.....
(how many brain cells you think I loose in a month , 100,1,000,100,000?
later fellas ( gott a hit my bong, pipe, joint or whatever is being thrust in my face at this moment)

ps, who knows it could be true, but I find it hard to belive that our gorvenment can predict events that are about to happen be them natural disasters, (ahhhm sunami,) or be they bobmings ( hrrmmm 9/11) and other random misshaps by a series of random digits wouldn`t we have done something about this shit to begin with ? Oh shit I am on another one of those half thought through gaja enduced rants that I seem to subumb to! I smoke my weight in weeds these days.....
(how many brain cells you think I loose in a month , 100,1,000,100,000?

later fellas ( gott a hit my bong, pipe, joint or whatever is being thrust in my face at this moment)
Uh huh