First of all today i feel little awkwards... yeah more than usual
... I don't know is for sleep less than i need, or because i'm geting out of a cold, or i'm tired because yesterday i was working very hard shooting a comercial for Escudo beer and You Tube promoting a band video contest.
I still can go to Temuco to meet my nephew cause i'm little sick, a fucking cold
and who doesn't... the low temperatures, weird days cloudy in the morning, sun in the afternoon and too damn cold in the nigth... everybody is sick because of that.
For today a pic from a session i made time ago with a friend of mine Camila... I hope you like it

I still can go to Temuco to meet my nephew cause i'm little sick, a fucking cold

For today a pic from a session i made time ago with a friend of mine Camila... I hope you like it

esa foto esta de pelos, me gusta mucho, como la mano se ve gigante!!
yo tambien tengo que ir a temuco, a visitar a mipadre, pero se me hace tan dificil tomarme unos dias, ademas que temuco no me gusta mucho entonces me cuesta mas
muchas muchas gracias, y ojala te mejores pronto, o aprovecha que estas enfermo para quedarte refugiado en la cama viendo monitos y leyendo el diario
cuidate, y suerte !!
puchaa mejorate del resfrio asi ves a tu sobriniitoo po
que este sbiem y que te salga todo filete por ahi !
cuidate muchoo