Well, its the Fourth of July and the years half way over. How fast time fly when your not having fun, OOOppps, thats when your having fun. I hope everyones having a good holiday with friends and family.
More Blogs
Saturday Oct 09, 2004
To clasp you now and feel your head close-pressed, Scented and warm … -
Sunday Sep 19, 2004
Oh what a wonderful day. I went and picked up the Little one from my … -
Wednesday Aug 25, 2004
My Infelice's face, her brow, her eye, The dimple on her cheek; and… -
Saturday Jul 03, 2004
The desire in the female for the male is so that they may perfect ea… -
Tuesday May 25, 2004
Cupid and my Campaspe play'd At cards for kisses-- Cupid paid: He s… -
Saturday May 01, 2004
When the beautiful star of the West moves on, A lonely gem, through … -
Thursday Apr 01, 2004
Well, another week almost gone, time to pick up the little one. It's … -
Tuesday Mar 09, 2004
It's funny how life can make you so crazy at times. Wondering whats a… -
Tuesday Mar 02, 2004
As you walk down the aisle, you see the most beautifullist creation y… -
Sunday Feb 22, 2004
Dreamer; Running towards your imagination, Seeking for the unknow…
Expect you've heard all the horrible stuff that's been happening in the UK. What a week.