Its funny how you can live in one place for so long, work every day and take care of your business but never feel like your getting ahead of the game. I often ask myself how it is possible for some people out in this world of ours could seem to have it all but say there on the skids,
Whats up with everything going up in price. It's like we've put ourself in a hole as a country, with no means of escape. California seems to be one of the western states heavilly effected by the gas hikes, no cost of living increases and no way out but to hold down two jobs. Taking one away from his family and friends, unless your in...
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Well, the holidays are over and its a new year. I wonder how many of us have set new resalutions for which we change some aspects of our lives for the better. I know that there is much to be sought for and journeys taken for just the empowerment of oneself with many stubbling blocks to overcome. I hope all those who have set out...
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Well, Another Holiday is here and the end of the year gets closer and closer. I have a day to sit around without a care in the world. The Ghost Hunter marathon, my dragon puzzle, beer and the web its a good day to just veg, doing not a damn thing.
I've often wondered why so many people live there life as if there was...
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I've often wondered why so many people live there life as if there was...
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The last Friday of the month is here upon us again.As we scramble around to get those rent checks ready for the man. It would be great if time didn't go by so fast, the older we get I mean. It feels like yesterday I was craming for finals and trying to decide if I was going to the JC or the local University. Now...
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Well, Over half the year is gone and my little one is now in her first year of school. I cant wait until the fall, the smell of fireplace, hot coco and some soft music. Watching the leaves change colors and the nights becoming crisp and clear, the stars can be a wonderful site.
Well, the new school year has started and I had to get the little lady in for her first year of school. Its been a rough first week but I made it through. Now I get to have a whole week off for vacaion, I'm going to love the time off from work, Its been almost a year since my last vacation. Nothing special going...
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Enjoy your vacation.
I was wondering if there was something in the air. I talked to a friend yesterday and it was the worst thing i had to do. It was like talking to a brick wall, everything was turned around to sound negitive and I hate when that is done. I tried to explain something to them and all I got in return was grief. I hope...
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That sucks, I hate when people misconstrue things I say. I hope things get better for you.
Everything seems to be going well in my happy world, other than the guys at work. They still seem to have their heads so far up each others ass' it isn't funny. I have to deal with a self absorbed attitude with no care for anyone whose left in the wake. I cant even get the boss' to check up on him to see what...
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Yep, SG can be a nice escape from a sucky day at work. 

I have to say, that this month has been a pretty good one, even though the guys I work with have their heads so far up their ass'. I got to meet a wonderful lady the other night, someone who is really down to earth, not shallow like some of the women I'm accustom to running into in my single life. I think this is...
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