so i dont how much longer this SG thing will last....and if it does and you read this before then you can always find me over at the ole myspace...anyways
its 5 am and its been a couple of weeks since then...i thought once it was final the dreams would stop but they have just found new and interesting ways to fuck with my mind and my well being.
im just so god damn tired of being alone and generally fucked in the feels like its swimming in this murky brine liquid and i cant change the fluid...
the only thing that has been making me smile as of late is a little indian girl ( even though there is a ton of crap going on with that as well ) and the fact that i have 4 seasons of two and a half men on my PC, thank god for torrents!
well time to go try to sleep for an hour before my pastel life drawing class...
its 5 am and its been a couple of weeks since then...i thought once it was final the dreams would stop but they have just found new and interesting ways to fuck with my mind and my well being.
im just so god damn tired of being alone and generally fucked in the feels like its swimming in this murky brine liquid and i cant change the fluid...
the only thing that has been making me smile as of late is a little indian girl ( even though there is a ton of crap going on with that as well ) and the fact that i have 4 seasons of two and a half men on my PC, thank god for torrents!
well time to go try to sleep for an hour before my pastel life drawing class...
the good kind damnit!
when are you gonna stop being a pussy and come hang out with me?