My toilet seat broke this morning. I'm so fat.
"There are none more despicable than those who change their colors. There are none more loyal than those who tell you your faults. I pray Your Highness to remember this. Even if a man is agreeable and likable, beware of him if he is a cheat. But if there be one whom you dislike and do not wish to see, give him his due if he be of sterling character. The art of government, it seems to me, lies in nothing more nor less than this awareness of true character."
--From a letter of the priest Mongaku to Shogun Yoriie
A.D. 1200
This dude was intense.
My toilet seat broke this morning. I'm so fat.
"There are none more despicable than those who change their colors. There are none more loyal than those who tell you your faults. I pray Your Highness to remember this. Even if a man is agreeable and likable, beware of him if he is a cheat. But if there be one whom you dislike and do not wish to see, give him his due if he be of sterling character. The art of government, it seems to me, lies in nothing more nor less than this awareness of true character."
--From a letter of the priest Mongaku to Shogun Yoriie
A.D. 1200

This dude was intense.
I shared my bed with the most delicious boy last night. He is moving to your parts soon...I was thinking of giving him your deets. He is a bit ADD, but loving as all get out.
did they have toilet seat in AD 1200?