Feeling blah and exhausted lately. Life is boring and tiring, winter is coming, tired of my job, feeling unmotivated and have no energy at all. I need inspiration and something new. School would be great but I have no idea what to study or do with my life. I guess I am kind of lost in a way. I want to get back in a band but this time play music that I actually really like. I'd like to move somewhere there's not 9 months of cold and darkness.
I drink too much energy drinks.
I got 2 other photos from the pole photo shoot. I like the poses but the photography and photoshop not so much. :S He gave most of the other girls an unexpected and non asked for photoshop cosmetic surgeries. He removed scars, changed the chin of one girl, chopped of one girls lats, changed my hairdo and everyones face looks really weird. But besides that everyone seems to like his photos. Sigh! Too many people don't know good or bad photography when they see it. Most people just love any photo taken with a professional camera regardless of the photographers talent or lack of it.
Here's my photos
And too make up for this mess I'm adding these photos taken by my boyfriend.
I want my blue hair and lip piercing back!
A much needed pole dancing and freestyling tomorrow with the girls and I'm hoping it will cheer me up.
Have a nice weekend!
The aboriginal Alaskans have the same kind of delightfully fragrant months-long fermented (rotted) fish that Scandinavians have. Yum!