I've totally been forgetting to do my blog homework each week.... My bad. So here it is, my beaut followers and of course@missy and @rambo - who put so much effort into setting this each week!
So, why did I apply?
Well where da fuq do I start?!
I was on bebo, when I first saw/heard about suicide girls. Someone I was really close Internet friends with was turning 18, and was mentioning that she was choosing between SG and various other competition sites. Anyway, dunno whether she ever applied in the end... But after a quick Google search, I completely fell in love with the idea of SG!
I'm pretty sure it was @rambo first set I actually saw, this photo is literally where it all began.
I was 15 at the time, so still couldn't legally apply, or have a membership for a good 3 years. So I went about my daily life, finished school and went to college.
(Hey 15 year old me)
For my 18th, birthday, I got an iPhone 4, and downloaded Instagram. I started following more and more SGs by the day, I was so inspired by how amazing they where, both on the inside and out.
A few months later, I decided to apply. (Even went through my 4000 Instagram posts to find this for you!)
Unfortunately, life got in the way, so I didn't take it any further.
Fast forward 3 years, at my work xmas do, I met the incredible @galda swooooooonnnn.
We partied the night away.
I think a couple of days later, my phone kept going off, as she had tagged me in a Tweet. My boyfriend noticed my ever glowing screen and asked what happened. I explained the tweet and why my phone kept going off....Then he turned round and said "well, why don't you apply to become an SG?"
Sayyyyy whaaaaaaaat boy?!
My own boyfriend, asking me why don't I apply to become a suicide girl. Is he having me on here?!
I genuinely thought he was having a laugh. I had put on so much weight since I first applied back in 2012, and felt so bloody gross, but he was 1000 behind me, and straight up said "well, being a suicide girl doesn't matter about your weight, it's what you stand for, you stand out of the crowd from a mile away, and that's what they're all about" .
Fucking preach it bae!
He helped me fill in my forms and scan them in at his work for me, helped me choose my outfit for my first set (3 weeks and 3 days away now ;)) and once the photos csame through, helped me pick them out.
So I guess that leads us back to the topic, why did I apply for sucide girls?
Because I have a bloody supportive boyfriend who believes in me, and I've been inspired by so many of the current SG journeys throughout my teen and adult life.
I'm so shit at ending these things! Laterz!