So I apologize for not blogging in awhile. I am very active on SG looking at sets and on groups and such but not in blogging. Truth is i've been really upset about work and my job. I love working and I adore I mean adore my job but it seems my boss just doesn't like anyone at the job. She literally hates everybody who works there and takes it out on everyone. She's made it impossible for me and others to grow and it's really gotten me down. The problem is she's an immature type of jerk, usually i'm cool with a boss being rude because I get it they're a boss not your friend. However immaturity in the workplace or passive aggressive behavior I hate. For example just the other day she acted like a total child with me and it urked me so much. I stayed a little later to help our animal staff do our live exhibit. This is where we take some of the animals out and let people pet and play with some of them like our Ball Python. Well I stayed an hour late just to help my friend because after the exhibit is over I always play with our python because he's such a friendly snake. It is the highlight of my entire day when I get to help care for the animals. Well literally 2 seconds before we ended my boss walked in and snatched our ball python away and refused to let anyone hold him at all especially me. She kept him and wouldn't even let the animal staffers hold him and she just kept him until closing. She made sure that I stayed late just so she could come in and be an immature brat. It's become such an annoyance that i've actually changed hours to avoid her. So i apologize for not blogging as much as i've been going through stuff. I will make it a point to try and blog! :) that's my rant for the night lol.
Its unfortunate that your boss is killing your enthusiasm for a job you thoroughly enjoy.