Okay so I have sort of been avoiding seeing this film after seeing the Doomsday trailer for BvS. I mean Jesse Eisenberg as Lex Luther already pissed me off but the Doomsday trailer sent me flying in rage. Doomsday shouldn't be in this film because he doesn't fit in this film simple as that. Doomsday's story is something that doesn't fit, he isn't supposed to fight Superman until the Justice League has been created and has been around for awhile. That's the whole premise of Doomsday is that he KILLS SUPERMAN and is the only person who is able to do that. He is the one villain who is able to defeat the entire Justice League and Kill Superman so I don't understand why he would be the first villain the JL fights?!?!?
I talked to my friend who tends bar at Millennium Fandom and she brought up a good point. She felt this movie was one giant movie to tell us there is going to be a thousand different sequels. She felt the movie was a trailer for the hundreds of Justice League films that are going to be released in the future. I'll write a Captain's Log tonight and give my review (if anybody is still interested I know the films been out for awhile) but I'm going in a couple of hours to see it.