My cousin who is a NLV cop told me about the Tenaya Creek Brewery and I love it. It's a really nice and safe place to hang.
So I hate that I had to quit my job working at the museum but I got an amazing new job working at the T-Mobile arena!!!!!! Out with the old and in with the new!
So with school, work, and all around life I have to leave SG for a bit. It's not permanent and my account will still be here I just am taking a bit of a break to focus on other endeavors. You can catch me at my facebook page where I post and blog and don't worry I PROMISE I will be back eventually lol....
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Okay so I know I haven't blogged in awhile on a regular basis (school and work and life) and sadly it has to be that my latest blog post is me hating on myself. Now why am I hating on myself you might ask? Well that's what this blog post is here to rant about. So I find writing blog posts on SG is super...
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Thank you to @rambo @missy @lyxzen for this Blog Homework. So I haven't done a blog homework or a blog in awhile because i've been busy with school but this is one that I've really wanted to do since it started popping up around Facebook so here it goes!
1. Star-Lord: Star-Lord is a character that I have identified with before I even knew who
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Photography Credit: Bill Brown
Cosplay Model: Me
Okay so I was a bit bummed about my Star-Lord helmet. If you haven't read the status update about it here's a quick overview. Basically the thing overheats to the point where it can catch fire and burn your face off so I ended up having to strip out all the electronics. Well a friend of mine emailed me and told me to bring it...
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