hmmmm... what's been happening?
I guess the first thing was Northern Ink Xposure (NIX) in Toronto, I went down on the Saturday with BrightRedScream it was pretty cool got to see a few friends from SG again: LadyLike, Trixxx, _LouLou_... after the convention we went for a bite with _LouLou_ and her husband, great food on a patio... then we walked down Queen St. and they we setting up/doing sound checks outside the CityTV building so we caught a bit of Hedley doing some tunes, then we went to Starbucks for some beverages and that was basically it. I think I have a pic on my phone of the back of _LouLou_'s head in front of a sign for a restaurant called Loulou's (She posted one on her blog, I believe I took my pic while she was taking hers

hmmm what else?
No other "events" I can think of just working and when not working hanging with BrightRedScream or visiting other friends. I went to my Sister's place to visit a couple weeks ago.
Wednesday I got more work done on the sleeve... she filled in a lot more of the background around the back of my arm (triceps area) as well as close to the arm pit... which for some reason I loved!! I tend to enjoy the areas that most people find uncomfortable! Not sure why but I just wanted to fall asleep it felt that comforting, I'm weird. I think I took one pic while I was getting worked. BrightRedScream stopped by after she got off work to watch as she usually does, 'cause she is just that cute. ♥
That's all I can really think of right now...
I have a family reunion to go to on Sunday (gave myself a Mohawk for the occasion, I think it suits me but it's mostly to freak them out ) too easy
Well I hope everyone has an awesome weekend and happy 4th to all my American friends! Be safe!
PS: I is obsessed with these guys! Black Lungs! Plus there are zombies in the video so what could be better?
my mom was sappoused to name me kyle, even though im a girl.. but my dad put up a fight, and named me Amber.
whats your name?
my brother dated another kyle (was a girl obviously.), a kylie, and a kayla. all in grade 9! LOL
but then again, he did it on purpose. and only dated them a short amount of time... i think it was some sort of yearbook thing story/bet kinda deal... cause 2 out of the 3 were really horrid looking, and the other one was a whore haha