There was BrightRedScream's birthday... RedRobin13 and I, surprised her at her work with presents/treats etc.
Then.... there was BrightRedScream's birthday weekend!
Consisting firstly of dinner with the birthday girl (of course) as well as SixBoxes and Kekelyn (first time meeting her!)
After dinner we went to a strip club (popping Kekelyn's strip club cherry! )... no pictures of course as they would have thrown me out! The birthday girl ended up on stage being exposed by stripper's twice!! Great night!!
Next was BrightRedScream's tattoo session the day after the strip club!
What's next... hmmm... oh the She Wants Revenge concert I decided to go last minute with BrightRedScream, SixBoxes and RedRobin13 it was a great show and great time and I like that band far more now than I did prior to going to see them!! So yay!
So that was Wednesday night... then Friday night ANOTHER concert this time City and Colour!! it was another awesome time with...yup you guessed it! BrightRedScream and SixBoxes! Great concert... afterwards we ended up wlaking all over the place trying to find a washroom in the mall that wasn't closed because someone didn't feel like waiting in line at the concert venue
On our way back to to the car passing the venue again we saw Dallas Green (City and Colour, Alexisonfire) so we stopped so BRS could get his autograph... he just wanted to call it a night we think so BRS didn't want to bother him for a picture but I got a couple of him with random people instead!
oh...on our walk we also came across some amazing sidewalk art...
Then of course Saturday night was the SG GALA 2008!!! I will add to this post as soon as I can steal some pics as I didn't take any myself, it was too dark for my camera phone!
Went to the gala with RedRobin13, BrightRedScream, SixBoxes and Kekelyn everyone looked great and was ready for fun!
But I met a lot of awesome people that I have been looking forward to meeting for a while such as Trixxx, Lunne, Connielingus, siamkittie, Bill_The_Cat, and a bunch I am sure I am forgetting!! But they are still in my head somewhere!
Great people I havn't seen in a while such as Flit, Dusti, JesseV (somehow I missed his better half Solace ), Slingshot and Black122 (I missed you guys we have to get together and see your place I can't believe we haven't made it out to visit since you moved!!).
And of course I saw Martini who I got to hang out with fairly recently at Hell City but it's always awesome to see her!! As well as _LouLou_ who I also hung out with at Hell City (she is awesome!)!!!
Anyway it was a great night...drank too much and suffered a little the next day but when out for breakfast the next morning with BrightRedScream, SixBoxes, and Kekelyn... this made me feel much better!!! Greasy meat and eggs mmmmmm
so as soon as I can scam some good pics from people I will post them or you can just click the people and see what they have posted
Hope everyone had a great weekend too!!