But here are the pics I did take...
well that's all I got... check out some of the other peeps blogs for more.
It was also awesome to meet Bully she is seriously adorable! No pics of me with her I was busy taking a pic of her and Salicia as he has a bit of a crush on her, so I was glad to be able to do that for him!
Hung out with the ever awesome Martini which I hadn't done since the sex show last summer so that was great she is always a blast! I know I met others but I suck at names and shit so... chances are if BrightRedScream met them then I probably did also... so when she posts her blog about this trip check it out.
Naturally just hanging out with my bestest friends BrightRedScream and SixBoxes was enough to make it a great trip and a fun car ride but it was super to meet some great new friends also in Salica and Jager_!! Good times, hope there are more ahead!
And yes I had a blast... I went crazy on the Jell-o shots
Ho! and change you're mini bar line.. it's so depressing