Wrote home today:
Dear Noir,
I tried to send you photographs earlier from Kay's computer but, even with her help, I could not get them to send from the laptop! She says when the weather turns nice, we will go out again and shoot in front of the McMurdo sign, but I wanted to make it official that I was here, so for now the McMurdo picture is the best we can do. She had to keep me from flying away because the wind was terrible, and then there was the Skua that was very interested in my yellow hat you crocheted for me. I think he wanted one.
Speaking of, the hat and scarf are very fine for this weather, and I am glad to have them here, otherwise I would be freezing my tentacles off!
I arrived the day before New Years, but Kay did not realize it, and I spent the night in the Cargo Movement Mailroom with some nice lady. I got in late and just did not want to wake her up! So the next morning I took a shuttle down to her dorm, and knocked on the door.
We spent New Years at the coffee house. It is a converted Jamesway and is the coziest place! They serve wine and coffee, and we kicked back with some white and red wine. Neel and Kay tried to teach me cribbage, but the wine went to my head a little quick down here! I think the jet lag and dehydrations had something to do with it too! We had a very nice time and played on a very out-of-tune piano. Neel said the piano was probably down here from the old navy days, and probably had not been tuned since! Neel plays too, so we had a good time playing 'Name That Tune!' I think we started singing at one point, but then things get a little blurry for me. I met some really nice people while I was there -- some beakers and regular support staff. I hope to get down to the Crary lab for a personal tour with one of the beakers here. She's kinda cute.
It is really cold here, and you can't imagine how much that tightens your body up! So, when in Rome, Kay and I decided to hop in the sauna in her dorm building. She's a freak and does it at least every other day. But this time she called her friend Erika to come join us. At the last minute Erika ended up having more training at the firehouse, so it was just Kay and me. She has been reading chapters out of Relic (was a movie that flopped) for me before we go to bed, so she and I were discussing the book in the sauna. It made the time in there fly by. Kay got woozy, so we sat in the vestibule to the sauna for a few mintues before heading back to her room.
Since then I have been visiting places but have not gone out much because the weather has been bad for days now. Kay was saying something about going up to Roll Cage Mary, and that we might see the Swedish Ice Breaker Oden out in McMurdo Sound. I hope the weather clears so we can!
Anyway, that is all I have for now!
<5 Kylepus
> <

McMurdopus. Buh-fucking-rrrrrr!

My arrival at Kay's.

New Year's Day at the coffeehouse having a little drinkypoo.

Chillin' with Neel. What a hottie.

Livin' large.

Neel plays for me.

Getting ready to wow the coffeehouse with my mad skillsz, yo.

Getting serious.

Super Pianopus.

Playing 'Name That Tune!'

Neel's possessed. I'm confused.

Warming up in the 209 drom sauna.

Kay and I discussing Relic.

I'm debating walking over the coals.

Weighing in after the sauna.
Dear Noir,
I tried to send you photographs earlier from Kay's computer but, even with her help, I could not get them to send from the laptop! She says when the weather turns nice, we will go out again and shoot in front of the McMurdo sign, but I wanted to make it official that I was here, so for now the McMurdo picture is the best we can do. She had to keep me from flying away because the wind was terrible, and then there was the Skua that was very interested in my yellow hat you crocheted for me. I think he wanted one.
Speaking of, the hat and scarf are very fine for this weather, and I am glad to have them here, otherwise I would be freezing my tentacles off!
I arrived the day before New Years, but Kay did not realize it, and I spent the night in the Cargo Movement Mailroom with some nice lady. I got in late and just did not want to wake her up! So the next morning I took a shuttle down to her dorm, and knocked on the door.
We spent New Years at the coffee house. It is a converted Jamesway and is the coziest place! They serve wine and coffee, and we kicked back with some white and red wine. Neel and Kay tried to teach me cribbage, but the wine went to my head a little quick down here! I think the jet lag and dehydrations had something to do with it too! We had a very nice time and played on a very out-of-tune piano. Neel said the piano was probably down here from the old navy days, and probably had not been tuned since! Neel plays too, so we had a good time playing 'Name That Tune!' I think we started singing at one point, but then things get a little blurry for me. I met some really nice people while I was there -- some beakers and regular support staff. I hope to get down to the Crary lab for a personal tour with one of the beakers here. She's kinda cute.
It is really cold here, and you can't imagine how much that tightens your body up! So, when in Rome, Kay and I decided to hop in the sauna in her dorm building. She's a freak and does it at least every other day. But this time she called her friend Erika to come join us. At the last minute Erika ended up having more training at the firehouse, so it was just Kay and me. She has been reading chapters out of Relic (was a movie that flopped) for me before we go to bed, so she and I were discussing the book in the sauna. It made the time in there fly by. Kay got woozy, so we sat in the vestibule to the sauna for a few mintues before heading back to her room.
Since then I have been visiting places but have not gone out much because the weather has been bad for days now. Kay was saying something about going up to Roll Cage Mary, and that we might see the Swedish Ice Breaker Oden out in McMurdo Sound. I hope the weather clears so we can!
Anyway, that is all I have for now!
<5 Kylepus
> <

McMurdopus. Buh-fucking-rrrrrr!

My arrival at Kay's.

New Year's Day at the coffeehouse having a little drinkypoo.

Chillin' with Neel. What a hottie.

Livin' large.

Neel plays for me.

Getting ready to wow the coffeehouse with my mad skillsz, yo.

Getting serious.

Super Pianopus.

Playing 'Name That Tune!'

Neel's possessed. I'm confused.

Warming up in the 209 drom sauna.

Kay and I discussing Relic.

I'm debating walking over the coals.

Weighing in after the sauna.
One hell of an arrival there! Looks like you're having the time of your little tenticled life.
Happy birthday.