Two days of almost working. We would get to the job and then rain dance. FUCK!
How the hell am I supposed to get money if I dont work? Soon the rain will have no control over me and my ability to work.
These pants are comfortable but they are making my legs sweat. Im trying to weight out the greater inconvenience less comfortable pants or sweaty legs. Life is so HARD! *whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa*
Im bored out of my skull. I cleaned and surfed some webage and then cleaned some more ha, whatever. Like you guys give a fuck.
Last night kicked some ass. No ass was had by any male of the party but it's all good. Who the fuck ever heard of two cockass covers in any bar situation? WHO I ASK? I pay one... that is was America's all about, convenient bar hoping.
18 days!
How the hell am I supposed to get money if I dont work? Soon the rain will have no control over me and my ability to work.
These pants are comfortable but they are making my legs sweat. Im trying to weight out the greater inconvenience less comfortable pants or sweaty legs. Life is so HARD! *whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa*
Im bored out of my skull. I cleaned and surfed some webage and then cleaned some more ha, whatever. Like you guys give a fuck.
Last night kicked some ass. No ass was had by any male of the party but it's all good. Who the fuck ever heard of two cockass covers in any bar situation? WHO I ASK? I pay one... that is was America's all about, convenient bar hoping.
18 days!

haha thanks man. i just added an edit of what the names actually mean if you're interested
hahah a lease! thats genious!