My credit card was stolen. If any of you have ever had this happen then you know the pain Im enduring at the moment. When did the US pass a law that states that all customer service agents must be outsourced? It is like driving into a wall over and over and over and
My pay checks are spent before I get them. *shakes hand at credit card that is not tangible*
Why must I hang out with people that annoy me? It isnt that I dislike the person(s), just the fact that every time we do something I feel like Im with a ninth grader. I feel terrible because they have done nothing to deserve the hatred that I feel. Slowly but surely I will wean them off me with odd situations and meaningless arguments. Lets hear it for being a considerate pussy!
I am finally starting to feel comfortable with my body. Oh childhood obesity, how I love the ever present complex you have given me.
My credit card was stolen. If any of you have ever had this happen then you know the pain Im enduring at the moment. When did the US pass a law that states that all customer service agents must be outsourced? It is like driving into a wall over and over and over and
My pay checks are spent before I get them. *shakes hand at credit card that is not tangible*
Why must I hang out with people that annoy me? It isnt that I dislike the person(s), just the fact that every time we do something I feel like Im with a ninth grader. I feel terrible because they have done nothing to deserve the hatred that I feel. Slowly but surely I will wean them off me with odd situations and meaningless arguments. Lets hear it for being a considerate pussy!
I am finally starting to feel comfortable with my body. Oh childhood obesity, how I love the ever present complex you have given me.
Sorry about your credit card...I bet it is a pain in the ass, but I have yet to have that pleasure...
Much Love to you on this belated V-day.
and as for your complex about how you look...hell.. were i not straight i'd bang you...