I love the way my body smells after I'm done work. Even though it's stinky, I still enjoy the scent for some strange reason. But, after I get out of the shower I completely forget all about the stinkyness and bask in my newly acquired cleanly scent. Some days I just want to swim all day. I'd get all pruney and shite but it would be worth it.
Get this: Today, while finishing up a job a man in his fifties I'd say ran over our tape, broke it, and then said " I honked my horn, didn't you hear?" WHAT THE FUCK! My boss flipped a shit and the man just walked away. SOOOOO, after we finished I noticed that the man had been in an accident not to long ago. His back right panel behind the gas cap was completely totaled. I suggested that we shoot the car with a bb gun that we found prior. My boss conquered and we made a drive by. Little did I know that the shot was going to hit his back windshield and shatter it. Not my intention but you gamble and you loose. FUCK! Sooo, being the gentleman that we are *wink wink* we found the man and said that it broke while we were laying the lot out. My boss made up some bullshite story about his ass hitting the windshield and it shattering behind him. The man knew it was bullshite and stood there with a perplexed grin. My boss suggested that we pay 100 for the damage. Then he said 150 and my boss replied, I have to take out the price of the tape measure asshole. Classic, I thought to myself. I gave the man a business card and we went to go get some money. I threw the gun out when we stopped and wiped it off like a dork that has seen to many movies. When we went back we saw that the police were called and that our story was going to have to become the truth in a matter of seconds. We explained to the officers what had happened and he looked puzzled. Apparently the man had claimed that we did it on purpose but he had no proof. Since the car was already damaged and showed massive stress fractures round the rear windshield, he believed that our story is what really happened. Talk about your dumb luck. Dont fuck with me or youll be driving home cold.
I hate girls. Not women, girls. Girls who lie when confronted about shite they did. Girls who cant stick up for themselves. Girls.
Get this: Today, while finishing up a job a man in his fifties I'd say ran over our tape, broke it, and then said " I honked my horn, didn't you hear?" WHAT THE FUCK! My boss flipped a shit and the man just walked away. SOOOOO, after we finished I noticed that the man had been in an accident not to long ago. His back right panel behind the gas cap was completely totaled. I suggested that we shoot the car with a bb gun that we found prior. My boss conquered and we made a drive by. Little did I know that the shot was going to hit his back windshield and shatter it. Not my intention but you gamble and you loose. FUCK! Sooo, being the gentleman that we are *wink wink* we found the man and said that it broke while we were laying the lot out. My boss made up some bullshite story about his ass hitting the windshield and it shattering behind him. The man knew it was bullshite and stood there with a perplexed grin. My boss suggested that we pay 100 for the damage. Then he said 150 and my boss replied, I have to take out the price of the tape measure asshole. Classic, I thought to myself. I gave the man a business card and we went to go get some money. I threw the gun out when we stopped and wiped it off like a dork that has seen to many movies. When we went back we saw that the police were called and that our story was going to have to become the truth in a matter of seconds. We explained to the officers what had happened and he looked puzzled. Apparently the man had claimed that we did it on purpose but he had no proof. Since the car was already damaged and showed massive stress fractures round the rear windshield, he believed that our story is what really happened. Talk about your dumb luck. Dont fuck with me or youll be driving home cold.
I hate girls. Not women, girls. Girls who lie when confronted about shite they did. Girls who cant stick up for themselves. Girls.
How far are you from Philly, by the way?
Awesome. We should meet up with some other Philly folks next time I'm there, which should be soonish.