*swoon* The man himself was up on stage. I wish he could have played for ever. I could have given two fucks about the other two bands. They weren't bad musicians, it just wasn't my thang yo. It was worth it.
Tea makes me happy.
Cozy beds make me happy.
Why the fuck am I so shy?
Why does it take time for me to open up to people?
Lack of confidence!
Tea makes me happy.
Cozy beds make me happy.
Why the fuck am I so shy?
Why does it take time for me to open up to people?
Lack of confidence!
why am i?
cause really, me being shy has had me miss out on too many things i shouldnt have missed out on.
so ive started living like there isnt a tomorrow - no regrets. no missed oppurtunities. no reason to be shy. no reason to shy away from things. no reason to not be who i am. i am truthful. i am honest.
if people dont like me for me, then they arnt worth my time.
"its better to be liked for who you are, than loved for who you are not."
good luck hunny,,
oh - and ive been drinking tea like its my job lately. im glad im not the only one like that as well. haha
You didn't seem shy at the party... unless that was the alcohol.