Uuuuggggghhhhhh. I think I'm getting sick. I've felt like crap all day, and not in the normal "I've been doing shit all day week and now feel run down" way. I feel kinda ache-y and sick to my stomach. I hope it's just a passing thing and that it's not swine flu... because that would be awful... arghhh
More Blogs
Sunday Jan 31, 2010
Schooling sucks. Accreditations done by asshole companies sucks even … -
Wednesday Dec 23, 2009
So, I'm in Ft. Myers right now (YAY! No crazy Tallahassee crime!) and… -
Monday Dec 07, 2009
So, my car battery died today. And I just got a new one a few months … -
Monday Dec 07, 2009
Rarrghgghhar. My fiancee is studying so I can't bother her. It sucks … -
Wednesday Dec 02, 2009
So, I'm back at my old job at the TCC bookstore. It rocks. I'm actual… -
Wednesday Nov 25, 2009
Hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving! <3 -
Saturday Nov 21, 2009
It's two in the morning and my neighbors are blasting bass in the str… -
Sunday Nov 08, 2009
I may be going to the UK and Ireland in June for a month. It's exciti… -
Friday Oct 30, 2009
Wow, haven't been on here it what seems like forever. I've been obses… -
Thursday Oct 15, 2009
So, today is my first day off work in about two weeks, which is why I…
My hometown's high school had an outbreak of it AND I think I had it 2 or 3 weeks ago. I never went to the doctor but apparently all my symptoms pointed to it. I find this incredibly funny...I'm not sure why, though.