I'm applying to every job that I can at Johns Hopkins and some other hospitals around that area, plus some in D.C. but nothing so far. So I'll just finish my school and probably start applying around the last month of school. I'm moving to Baltimore probably January 2nd. My classes finish December and I thought it would be nice to spend new years with...
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Been gone for a while. Also just busy, but Hi again! I'm about to go back to school and I'm excited.
School is an awesome place to be. I hope you thrive there.

And welcome back, by the way. smile

Enjoying your summer??


PS: Love your profile pic. Is that your kitty?
Yeah. She died Christmas eve about 4 years ago. I loved her so much. Her name was Zara. Thanks too, she was gorgeous. Really anti-social for the most part and we were the first people to really get close to her, so she lived a good life after we took her in. That's a good thought at least.
Good night. I had a good night. I'm happy. i think I can get it all under control and I'm excited. Quinn, Sam and I are going to have a dinner party before I leave hopefully. I would love to invite some people like Harvey to at least eat with us and then he can go home or whatever he needs to do and we...
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Happy Birthday!!!

miao!! miao!!
Fucking tired as hell. I have not had the energy to do anything for such a long time it's actually scaring me. I'm going to the doctor today though. Aside from not having any energy I have a seriously fucked up shoulder as well as hip and knee, all on the right side. My neck is always fucked up so of course there's that. I...
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Been a while since I've been one here. I went to India, I gained a shit load of weight for some reason and I fell in Love, had my heart broken, and now I'm just trying to get this one guy to get a fucking phone so we can have contact. He's a fantastic lay. I would really like a chance to do him a...
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Tired. Feeling fat. Feeling like the love of my life is a shitbag. Well he is and I'm just in love with him because I'm into that kind of pain or something. I don't know how to fall out of love.
I love sage francis. I would marry him just to hear his voice all day long. I mean it would be sweet to be in love and whatnot but marriages usually end in divorce anyway. I can't love someone I don't know. Wow, that was insane. I think that's crazy for me to say. I'm having a little crisis of faith. I am in love...
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I baked my first strawberry rhubarb pie today! It's so good!!!
Went to the Hookah bar after pub quiz. It was fun. Saw Nathan and after 30 minutes I realized Bo was there in the other booth. I hung out with him his girlfriend (wtf?) and his friend for a while and I gave them a ride home. How odd. I haven't seen him in a while. And girlfriend? She was really nice but I can't...
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goin out, bring your shit to the dance floor.

Too bad it's monday. Not really any dancing on monday in Boulder. But I'll have my fun. If only I had more than a dollar I could get a beer.