So every time my pain killers wear off it's like I've been shot through the back and through my ovary. I'm on so many meds right now I can barely stay awake 5 minutes at a time but it still hurts even on the meds just not as horribly. I have some more tests on Monday that we'll hopefully figure out what's going on completely or it will just be done by then. Ruptured ovarian cyst that had gotten quite large as they figure conisdering how long this seems to be taking to heal. I want to do something with my time but right now all I can do is sleep. God I just feel so fucking sick and out of it. What a birthday eh? So...I just hope it gets better really soon. I hope I can get a job really soon that will let me pay for the E.R. visits fast.
Kyki out.
Kyki out.