Busy 420.
I wonder why this Don Imus thing was such a big deal. You really have to wonder about that. I don't give a shit. I hear racist stuff all the time and I always want to say, 'don't say that again or I will not listen to you anymore.' But Ann Coulter and Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity and all of those people have said much worse. BillO said that the drunk driver that killed these people was worse because he was an illegal immigrant. He's using the death of people he knows nothing about to fight for stricter immigration laws. Ann Coulter said that we should kill every liberal, she has said that we should kill of the Muslims and she has used every racist bigotry lingo in the book. Sean Hanity just about lives to agree with Ann Coulter. They have all made what could be the aquvelient to death threats against entire races of people and they are still on the air. Why is this such a big deal.
The way he said it even shows and obvious ignorance to words. It's not a defense of him but if they fire him for that, does that make fox a racist network for still employing racists? I don't believe in censorship but i believe in educating the bigots. I believe that if you are a network you can choose not to carry what doesn't follow your beliefs in morality.
OK. anyhow, it just pisses me off that these people get away with this shit and democrats still feel like they have to tip to around and not say anything wrong because if they do they will be attacked by these psychos. Why can't they be afraid that we will come back at them when they say something stupid and racist or sexist?
Stand up for your rights! Be a pirate! Not the killing kind, the rebellious kind.
I wonder why this Don Imus thing was such a big deal. You really have to wonder about that. I don't give a shit. I hear racist stuff all the time and I always want to say, 'don't say that again or I will not listen to you anymore.' But Ann Coulter and Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity and all of those people have said much worse. BillO said that the drunk driver that killed these people was worse because he was an illegal immigrant. He's using the death of people he knows nothing about to fight for stricter immigration laws. Ann Coulter said that we should kill every liberal, she has said that we should kill of the Muslims and she has used every racist bigotry lingo in the book. Sean Hanity just about lives to agree with Ann Coulter. They have all made what could be the aquvelient to death threats against entire races of people and they are still on the air. Why is this such a big deal.
The way he said it even shows and obvious ignorance to words. It's not a defense of him but if they fire him for that, does that make fox a racist network for still employing racists? I don't believe in censorship but i believe in educating the bigots. I believe that if you are a network you can choose not to carry what doesn't follow your beliefs in morality.
OK. anyhow, it just pisses me off that these people get away with this shit and democrats still feel like they have to tip to around and not say anything wrong because if they do they will be attacked by these psychos. Why can't they be afraid that we will come back at them when they say something stupid and racist or sexist?
Stand up for your rights! Be a pirate! Not the killing kind, the rebellious kind.

It's time like these when I really miss our KBFR days. I think we're some of the few people out there who can actually claim to have been legitimate pirates at some point in their lives.

I have to say I think that was one of the best times of my life. I am so glad that you and Sam were a part of that. It's good to have friends like you. And it's good to have friends who care about real issues. You are one of the few in my life right now who actually gives a shit about the rest of the world. Everyone else make give a small shit but they don't want to talk about it or read or hear about it. I think it's really important to not get too taken over by these things otherwise you can't change them. You can let them effect you because horrible things and great things should always have an effect on you but you have to learn how to use your emotions. Like becoming passionate and wanting to change things and not letting everything just be sad. OK. Rant on the Kyki side...excuse my rant.