Work is starting to stress me out. I have been really depressed lately. I even cried while I was mopping today. It's really annoying but I don't know what to do about it. It's actually from certain things. I keep thinking about things over and over in my head and they just eat at me. It's starting to wear me down. I had a breakdown 2 days ago and then yesterday I felt a ton better and then I feel stressed today too. Fuck. I think I'm going to hire a lawyer and sue my old boss for therapy costs. I know that sounds drastic but she was so unbelievably mean to me that she made me suicidal. She fired me for bullshit and I think that her harassment has really just fucked me up more than I thought it had. I want damages for the mental stress and her to cover therapy and one month of my rent. I know that all sounds very much like I'm overdoing it and maybe even sounds petty but believe me, this woman needs to stop torturing people. I was working at the hospital and when I was fired I guess they don't allow you on the property unless you are there for treatments or something. I had a friend who was in because he has lung cancer and had pneumonia and I called ahead to ask if I could come in they said I could and then she "heard" that I was hanging around the hospital and was bitching about me. If I could get ahold of the list of reasons they fired me I would just put it online to show how fucked up they were. I worked my ass off and they didn't even give me a chance. One of the reasons was that I was really tired and waiting for someone in a chair by my work area. I was off duty. Not clocked in. Not fucking working!!! They have no right to tell me what to do when I'm not working and guess what? I had a friend in the fucking hospital!!! I was waiting by the elevator which happens to be next to where I worked because the cancer center doesn't have a waiting room. OK. Breathe. I don't know. I have no idea why she hated me so much but it's shit like that that shows she wanted to fire me. They have so many incompetent people working for them and I was actually really good at my job and they fired me. Why? OK. So she should just stop being allowed to even talk to anyone. I don't know. I'm just stressed out and i wish I had like wine or something to just calm me down but writing helps too. Fuck. Fuck.
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