Studying is over rated. I've reached that point that most students face - I don't want to go on anymore. I really just don't. I feel drained and tired and distracted. I feel like a crappy friend and a crappier daughter/sister.
I'm sure I'll push past this, but right now, I long for free time and a brain that feels less mushy.
I'm sure I'll push past this, but right now, I long for free time and a brain that feels less mushy.
I am thinking about studying something again, but part of me is terrified. I see Mr G back at uni with one year to go (and two very hectic weeks that he's buried in right now) and it freaks me out that he is so busy all the time.
And I can't really do anything at the moment because I leave here in Feb/Mar next year.
I'm so frustrated because I told my UK friend that I was coming in Feb/Mar and she has known that for a year, yet she decided to schedule her wedding in APRIL in BRISBANE. What the fuck? I'm going to have to get some sort of return ticket and then a single ticket so I can be at it. And that means that I can't make another friend's wedding in Brisbane in June which I could have got to otherwise - stupid money. Why couldn't she have it in the UK where she and her fiance actually live? Or at least later in the year so that there was a useful gap between my arriving in London and the wedding. *headdesk* My other O/S friend isn't going to the Australia one, she's just going to a party that my friend is having back in Newcastle a couple of months' later, but that makes me feel awful. I've realised I don't know if I'll ever be a bridesmaid at a wedding that isn't my Mum's or my step-dad's sister's. LE SIGH. I always dreamed I'd be a bridesmaid to my UK friend and my Israel friend, and the latter I'm not (as her wedding was this year and then again in Dec) and the former I guess I'm not because she didn't even work out whether I could come before locking in the date in Brisbane. I am so different in how I do big decision stuff like that. I would plan everything around who can come, not anything else. That's what makes a wedding. Strange, people are so different.
I haven't heard ANYTHING about how study is actually going for you, and I only found out about how sick you were from SG (which I only log onto every two months or so) so that just shows how much we need to talk. There must be talking, and soon.
I hope you are better and that things are improving and that you've got your second study wind and are beating the hell out of everything - in a very positive way.