I want to know what songs rock you to your very core. Songs that make your soul ache or soar.
I could write a list an arms length long with all the songs that affect me deeply, but today, I want to know what touches you.
What makes you smile and what makes you cry? What choruses do you sing along to wilth all of your being, what bridges do you wait to hear with eager anticipation and what instumentals do you close your eyes to and feel whole?
I want to know what songs rock you to your very core. Songs that make your soul ache or soar.
I could write a list an arms length long with all the songs that affect me deeply, but today, I want to know what touches you.
What makes you smile and what makes you cry? What choruses do you sing along to wilth all of your being, what bridges do you wait to hear with eager anticipation and what instumentals do you close your eyes to and feel whole?

i wont make the 6:30 one, but the 9 sounds ok!! hey you can come bowling now!! you have no excuse! oh and toowong cemetery!! lol
Woot on goal making! Iv just started too really. But we'll get there im sure