i have an early morning class; this, in and of itself, sucks ass. combine it with the fact that i am the only senior in a room full of freshman. and a zany professor that made us actually converse with each other. i turned around, 'hi, i'm kyd", and i thought it was over. how horribly wrong i was. they continue to talk to me, as i gaze off into the distance. about how bitchin' spring break was in bermuda where the got totally wasted off of mommy and addy's money. about how the caught up with the high school homeboys and partied it up around a bonfire that eventually set fire to old man jenkins'house and horse. how they totally video taped their friend getting laid by a fat chick in their hotel room. do i look like i care? do you think i want to initmately share in your life? do i look like i was put on earth to affliate with retards?
maybe i'm being harsh. i'm not a morning person.
then comes my class is the classics department. i love ancient history; give me toags, orgies and roman emporers buggering everything in sight. but there always has to be one classics major in the calss to ruin everything. the know-it-all that doesn't know when to shove a sock in it. you know the type i'm talking about? imagine you are at a party, discussing the bug problem in your apartment. an entomologist butts in to disertate the finer points of the fruit fly's mating cycle.
then i go to wal-mart for a pack of highlighters. i drive ten minutes out of my way to buy highlighters because they are cheaper at wal-mart. (of course, now that i think about it, the gas it cost me to get to wal-mart would equal the $5 i would pay for one highlighter at the bookstore uptown) i go up to pay for my $1.44 packet of highlighters in the 20 items or less lane. apparently, the rule doesn't apply to sorority girls!
bouncy hair and sparkley purses are a get out of any social norm pass. i'm stuck behind two girls who possibly bought out wal-mart's whole supply of carb-lite cereal bars and gatorade. "wow, i've never seen so many 20 items." this comments increases the glare-age i'd already been receiving since i first stepped foot in their "socially acceptable only" line, even though it was the weakest vindictive comment ever. seriously, the express lane has a one foot by one foot counter to put your shit on, why did you have to pick this line to unload your unlimited cart of fat-free food? because it was shorter? let me explain logic to you. it was shorter because it's meant for people who want to get in and get out!!!!! even after two other express lines opened up, i still dilligently stood in the pretty line. sometimes, i have to win.
(i'm not straight-edge, by the way, even though i ranted about drunk freshman. it was the idea that they thought i would give a rat's ass.)
maybe i'm being harsh. i'm not a morning person.
then comes my class is the classics department. i love ancient history; give me toags, orgies and roman emporers buggering everything in sight. but there always has to be one classics major in the calss to ruin everything. the know-it-all that doesn't know when to shove a sock in it. you know the type i'm talking about? imagine you are at a party, discussing the bug problem in your apartment. an entomologist butts in to disertate the finer points of the fruit fly's mating cycle.
then i go to wal-mart for a pack of highlighters. i drive ten minutes out of my way to buy highlighters because they are cheaper at wal-mart. (of course, now that i think about it, the gas it cost me to get to wal-mart would equal the $5 i would pay for one highlighter at the bookstore uptown) i go up to pay for my $1.44 packet of highlighters in the 20 items or less lane. apparently, the rule doesn't apply to sorority girls!

(i'm not straight-edge, by the way, even though i ranted about drunk freshman. it was the idea that they thought i would give a rat's ass.)
Oh yeah, no puppies were harmed in the shooting of my pics!