if you hadn't noticed yet, a few choice selections from my rejected set have found their way into my pics folder. any feedback is welcome!
things i know i need to work on:
lighting, which will be fixed since my photogs studio is up and running.
background/theme: my background was rather bland and didn't match the evening dress thing i had going on too well....
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things i know i need to work on:
lighting, which will be fixed since my photogs studio is up and running.
background/theme: my background was rather bland and didn't match the evening dress thing i had going on too well....
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I love them! They totally should have accepted them.
I like the set. you have a nice body. perfect nips for the rings. looks great!! The green is a lil iffy.. But i'm partial to red so... you take requests?

me and some evening gloves
here's the story of my life...
i'm late for my 9 am, but i know i must stop for some sort of sugary, caffeine goodness. the damn contrary pop machine spits my dollar back out, i frantically scuttle over to the twinkie dispenser to get some change, back over to the pop machine. eats all four quarters. why did i continue to put quarters in,...
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i'm late for my 9 am, but i know i must stop for some sort of sugary, caffeine goodness. the damn contrary pop machine spits my dollar back out, i frantically scuttle over to the twinkie dispenser to get some change, back over to the pop machine. eats all four quarters. why did i continue to put quarters in,...
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nah ur cats normal...shes just waiting for a friend...a pig perhaps?

school has been sooo hetic. i'm reading 100+ pages a night and taking online quizzes every other day. not to mention a presentation in some class once a week.
i almost died this weekend. i let my friend drive my car back from a day trip. he asks is he can use my bathroom when he drops me off. a say sure. a few minutes...
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i almost died this weekend. i let my friend drive my car back from a day trip. he asks is he can use my bathroom when he drops me off. a say sure. a few minutes...
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school sucks ass....u should totally get a pig
sorry. things haven't been great lately and i don't want to make my journal an emo-kid sob story.
i'll get back to my old bitcchy personality soon enough, no worries.
i'll get back to my old bitcchy personality soon enough, no worries.

word i feel so dumb when i bitch....hahah but i just can't help it i do it all the fuckin time! Cheer up

sorry for the lack of updates. beat me if you must, you know i enjoy it.
i'll try to be more punctual with my journal.

I don't know much about D&D, but I played Everquest back when it first came out. So, I just used that to make it seem like I knew what I was talking about. Halflings were pretty low on HP from the start....

Where's the journal update? I thought I was being nice by not saying anything, but you force me to pull out my whip!!! Now, bend over!!! *Whipicha* <---(Whip sound)
why i hate D&D...
i always die.
right off the bat.
because the people i play with are fucktards and if someone in your party has only 9 hp, then please, stick them in the back of the line!
i hate D&D, why did i even play in the first place?
i always die.
right off the bat.
because the people i play with are fucktards and if someone in your party has only 9 hp, then please, stick them in the back of the line!

i hate D&D, why did i even play in the first place?
hmmm i've never played that game before....not sure i want too..

You shoulda went to yor room, got your lightsaber, and fucked them up! That'll show'em for putting a lvl 1 halfling farmer as the lead of the group!.... Ok, I don't really know what I'm talking about.... I'll go sit it the corner now.....
Cute kitty!
can u give some pointers bc i have no idea how to do it
pretty self-explanatory
i have an early morning class; this, in and of itself, sucks ass. combine it with the fact that i am the only senior in a room full of freshman. and a zany professor that made us actually converse with each other. i turned around, 'hi, i'm kyd", and i thought it was over. how horribly wrong i was. they continue to talk to me,...
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I'm not a morning person either. I probably woulda gave them the "I don't give a fuck" staredown. You'd be amazed at how fast they realize you don't wanna socialize with them. Make sure to keep staring after they stop talking. The akward silence helps to infuse this fact in their brain!... Twitching your head a little bit doesn't hurt either.
Oh yeah, no puppies were harmed in the shooting of my pics!
Oh yeah, no puppies were harmed in the shooting of my pics!

LOL, then enjoy the flu as long as you can 

i tried to fix my friends list to take off the repeated names, but i apparently didn't fix it. reapprove my friend requests, please.
i've written my post about being surrounded by stupid twice now and each time i ironically click a button and do something stupid to erase it myself. be patient. i'm working on it. it will be my grand opus. my grand...
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i've written my post about being surrounded by stupid twice now and each time i ironically click a button and do something stupid to erase it myself. be patient. i'm working on it. it will be my grand opus. my grand...
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i can only take so much stupid in one day...
i'll update after class, when i'm no longer surrounded by stupid.
i'll update after class, when i'm no longer surrounded by stupid.
your in class on SG.... fuck that rocks.. wish I could do that.. oh wait I graduated.. WHOOO
hope your flu gets better, at least we can be sick together
get better soon