what is wrong with the sign that read "slow children at play"...my goodness that's so sad. why must they announce it to the world?
i recently see that there have been elementary children handcuffed by police while at school due to their unruly behavior. are we barbaric now or what? the world is coming to an end, i have concluded.
today i felt the overwhelming urge to hop on a plane and go somewhere. i didn't care where, just away. this place is filled with the same 'ol stuff day-in, day-out. i wish i could get paid to travel. no...not traveling on the job...traveling as the job. that would be the greatest thing. wonder if there is such a thing? guess i'll apply for the discovery channel.
it's strange- i've gotten elbow deep in art. finally found my niche. such a soothing thing....painting. wow.
wouldn't it be nice to be on one of those milk mustache commercials? maybe i should look into that as well...
will someone wealthy please purchase a digi cam for me? i promise to prance around naked for you or something. it's the best i can do.
another sad thing. i've lost 19 pounds since the hospital visit. totally missing french fries. grrr. can't hold that crap down.
boring, i know...but, that's all i've got.
i recently see that there have been elementary children handcuffed by police while at school due to their unruly behavior. are we barbaric now or what? the world is coming to an end, i have concluded.
today i felt the overwhelming urge to hop on a plane and go somewhere. i didn't care where, just away. this place is filled with the same 'ol stuff day-in, day-out. i wish i could get paid to travel. no...not traveling on the job...traveling as the job. that would be the greatest thing. wonder if there is such a thing? guess i'll apply for the discovery channel.
it's strange- i've gotten elbow deep in art. finally found my niche. such a soothing thing....painting. wow.
wouldn't it be nice to be on one of those milk mustache commercials? maybe i should look into that as well...
will someone wealthy please purchase a digi cam for me? i promise to prance around naked for you or something. it's the best i can do.
another sad thing. i've lost 19 pounds since the hospital visit. totally missing french fries. grrr. can't hold that crap down.
boring, i know...but, that's all i've got.

Well, you can BORROW my digi cam, and you don't even have to prance around naked for it. Consider payment already made.
i know the jump on a plane feeling... saturday i am flying to NYC just for 24 hours, just so i can hang with my friends at a birthday party... hmm, i think i may have jetsetter tendencies on a french fry budget...