Hey there dudes and dudettes 😜
How's life going for you's?!
First of all I'd love to say a huge thank you to every one of you followers, there's over 8000 of you now 😍😍 to the people who have followed me from say one to today, you guys are awesome, and you keep my journey interesting! And I couldn't be more greatful for all the love received on 'here kitty'! Shot by @coolicio :)
I know you guys haven't had any new content for a while, and I am sorry about this! I have one payment remaining on a shoot from a while back and soon as I have the spare cash I will be sending and submitting! It'll be worth the wait trust me 😇✨ it's shot by @frankndame ✨
Just thinking I would tell you a few things about me seen as though we are continuously growing and changing with everything we experience!
So here's a few random facts!
1. I really like the following smells; vanilla, fresh cold air, men's shower gel, hot donuts & the smell of a roast cooking along!
2. I used to have a fravourite colour but recently I find mostly all colours interesting and beautiful in their own way 🌈
3. I really enjoy sleeping, sometimes it's dangerous how much I sleep, but I can't help it I just love the feeling of drifting away into dream world 😴
4. I believe in angels, spirituality & source. I believe in the meaning of star signs, crystals, mediums, empaths and signs.
5. In relation to my last point I regularly believe we are guided in life, and I sometimes see sequences of numbers that guide me along my path (usually their pretty accurate signs too) I look up each sequence online to gain my own interpretation of the guidance I'm being given.
6. I have an adorable little doggo, his name it tj, he's a Maltese shitzu. I've had him since a pup and he's around 3 years old now, he brings so much joy into my little bubble 😍
7. I live in Western Australia and have for the last 5 years, I am now an Australian citizen and I feel like Australia is as much my home as England is and always will be!
Can you understand why?!
8. I have an amazing human in my life, we have ups and downs, but all in all I am so happy to have this goofball present in my life ❤️
9. I have a West Yorkshire accent, although due to living in another country I talk a lot slower to be understood as a norm now, Aussies hear the accent well, and family hear the slowed speech well haha!
10. I study psychology at university, which I find interesting and I can't wait to assist people using the skills I learn through this course!
11. I tried to work in a aged care facility, it didn't really work out. Truth is, I didn't really like it all that much, I tried my hardest to make it work and pay attention to the positives, but it felt so robotic. I had 50 minutes to shower 4 residents (some requiring 2x assist transfers and taking 10 minutes for the transfers alone) it felt like the humanity within me was hard to come out and treat these people with the care they deserved from pressure and being rushed and I just couldn't get comfortable with this. I like to promote independences, and talk to the people I'm caring for not rush them through the only time in the day they may receive 1on1 interaction. So I am no longer working there, and I have had a few interviews and possibly a contracting company within the community who links up families to carers (much more suited for me)!
12. I have good and bad days. I have amazing periods of life where I feel unbeatable but I also have days where I feel hopeless. I have been fighting against depression and anxiety for years but as more time goes on I realise more and more how I grow through each and every experience, so I'm becoming much more comfortable accepting my dark days along with the good :).
13. I have been modelling for almost 4 years now! And booooy have I changed! I have gone through different fads, lifestyles and styles during this time and I love having so many different types of shoots to look back on!
Photo below with miss @dlilac - one of my fav mini shoots I've done!
14. I am a Gemini! I have two very distinct sides, a goofy foolish sensitive side, and a more serious and reserved side. This helps me stay balanced, and adapt to situations if the right side is present in the right situation 👏🏻😜
15. I love foood, my love for food seems to grow and grow and grow. I have been trying different types of fruit, veg, spicy food and more to keep food interesting 🍕🤓
16. I like to dance, I often freestyle around the house like a dork, and I love getting into different styles of music and just letting myself go 🦋
17. I love art, coloring, drawing, painting, clay. I'd love to get into wood work, or maybe metal or glass eventually atleast to try 😏
18. I love getting out and trying new things. My recent thing is golf, mini golf, normal golf, I'm not a expert but it's certainly a laugh!
19. I like birds, I love watching them do their thing and fuck the fact they can fly is pretty cool too.
20. I love all animals, but if I had to pick a fav, it would have to be dolphins. Swimming with them when I was around 11/12 was possibly one of the best memories I've ever had!
21. I do miss my friends and family in England, however I feel like I have made so many connections here I would also miss these humans if I was to ever go back (only for a long visit or maybe later in life ya never know!)
22. I like weed, it's one of my fav things on the planet. It helps mellow me out when I'm having the worst anxiety provoking days by regulating my thoughts from 500 a minute to more like 2-3 a minute. Can't wait to legalisation day, it's been one of the biggest helpers to prevent self harm for me, and now I'm becoming less and less likely to turn to weed in bad situations, and use more for recreational use!
So that's a few anyway I hope you guys enjoy!
I know it's a bit of a long one but I hadn't wrote s good sized blog in a while so why not!
Now tell me atleast 3 facts about you!
Much love,
Kyanitee xo