Set by @missy @rambo & @lyxzen ❤️
Hey guys so this weeks @bloghomework topic was 'what are you looking forward to?'
So there are many things that I am looking forward to so I thought this was a perfect opportunity for me to write up a blog homework for ya'll to enjoy 😘
So firstly I'm looking forward to visiting my family hopefully in December if everything works out! I've never spent a whole Christmas with my father so this is very important to me and my nan could really use a visit to perk her up! I just can't wait to be in the uk at Christmas time surrounded by all my loved ones and that's the biggest thing I have to look forward to this year! I'm hoping with everything I got this works out because it means the world to me!
I'm also looking forward to getting settled into my new job role. I'm sure you all understand what it's like being new in a new place, you can't find things your not sure of the routines the do's and donts, I'm just looking forward to understanding my job role more and settling into the routine of things and catching up on all the things we got a little behind on!
I'm also looking forward to seeing how my dancing progresses over this year! It's such a exciting journey to be on!
Here's a few pictures from class!
I'm also looking forward to my birthday which is at the end of this month! 26/05! I'm not 100% sure what I'm doing yet but I'm pretty excited!
Here's my Wishlist below if you wish you grab anything 😘
I also have a few up coming shoots which I'm excited to complete! And also show you guys! 🤓
What are you guys looking forward to?
I hope your all well and ending your week on a beautiful note!
Positive vibes and love🌈😇
Kyanitee ❤️