Hey guys, so im now a full on adult
im 21! wooooo<3
I went down to a place in walpole <3 it was amazing..,
we stayed in the cutest little challet, with cows right outside...
a little fire place and lotsssss of beautiful treeeees....
Heres some of what i got up to;
-i toasted marshmellows over the fire.
-i had heaps of cones.
-i climbed trees.
-ran through the forest
-got high as hell.
-cuddled chickens
-cuddles cows
-saw lots of fungi and mushrooms
-found myself
- tree top walk
-i feel like i got to connect spiritually with the forest and tingle trees
- grew
- hiked
-rowed a canoe
- got absolutely crazyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy :P
and finally, i had a picture taken in a rainbow :O
heres some the amazing memories i had over the weekend <3