Thought I'd talk about this topic seen as though my very first set is due to go into member review in 6 hours!
This was the first modelling shoot id ever done in my life and infact first time I'd EVER had a nude photo taken (that includes photos taken my by self - yes I'd never taken a nude picture before this shoot) I was shaking while doing this shoot, I think it was half nerves and half adrenaline. Any way this was also the amazing @randum_ very first set too. So we went through the journey together. I think she's done a bloody good job. Not only through the photos but the way she directed me and spoke to me made me feel so much more comfortable and my confidence started to come through throughout the shoot.
I do hope you all enjoy this set! I'm feeling so nervous but excited for it to come out.
But what's even more amazing for me is to look through this set and the second set I have in the queue and I can see my modelling skills and @randum_ photography skills improving so much. Even though there was only a month between them!😆
I'm going to have to distract myself for the day or I'm going to be constantly updating my profile haha. I'm so excited to become an official hopeful suicide girl and join in things like the periscope and Instagram and just be up and running properly!
Anyway here's some shots from my debut set that's out in just 6 hours! -(these are the shots that didn't make it into the set)
Lillymaee xo
Also thanks @missy @rambo and @lyxzen for all my blogs that made it to front page! Your all babes!💋