soooo, i break with my boy and i 've been sad, and down and feel like crap and ugly and that kind of things that you feel when the person you cares says bye bye baby, but i stopped one minute and think hell yeah, i've passed this before and i have only 21 years old, i have all my life to cry for many many boys and if i screwed all i have the opportunity to fix things IN ME and only FOR ME, because that's why we came to earth, to learn. I think this is my moment, because everytime is your moment, because i'm so ALIVE. My blood is here, i'm on earth and i have my life, my words, my things, my friends.
So after think and think and listen good music like RANCID, FLEMA, LOQUERO, RAMONES, NOFX, DISTILLERS and all the stuff i have in my ipod and make me jump off the floor and shout WHO CARES ABOUT THIS LET'S ENJOY LIFE and move my body and move my heart and FULL my heart, I REALIZE that all is worth it, this was a magic experience because i met someone that beats me really hard even if i didn't want to and all have a time and a space and i have to keep walking, i mean RUN and enjoy every step.
I start cutting my hair, is important to me cause i never touch it, i hope you like it.

i'm spending my time in home with my family and this cute animal that make me really happy

i've been thinking in make a set and tattoo myself ? what do you think? renovacion, good beginning.
So after think and think and listen good music like RANCID, FLEMA, LOQUERO, RAMONES, NOFX, DISTILLERS and all the stuff i have in my ipod and make me jump off the floor and shout WHO CARES ABOUT THIS LET'S ENJOY LIFE and move my body and move my heart and FULL my heart, I REALIZE that all is worth it, this was a magic experience because i met someone that beats me really hard even if i didn't want to and all have a time and a space and i have to keep walking, i mean RUN and enjoy every step.
I start cutting my hair, is important to me cause i never touch it, i hope you like it.

i'm spending my time in home with my family and this cute animal that make me really happy

i've been thinking in make a set and tattoo myself ? what do you think? renovacion, good beginning.

te quiero mucho muchisimo linda