sooo the new set of my most beautifull and crazy friend Liu is in member review today at night!!! shooted by the talent Nicolletta and guess whatt: me, Prussia and Caroline do our job too ! This is a tribute to BEASTIE BOYS and his single SABOTAGE ! go there and leave nice comments !

i have the strong feeling that friendship is the most important thing in the world, while you have true friends by your side you NEVER gonna be alone. I think i have the real ones. I'm so grateful with them, i hope this lasts forever, i love my girls very much.

i have the strong feeling that friendship is the most important thing in the world, while you have true friends by your side you NEVER gonna be alone. I think i have the real ones. I'm so grateful with them, i hope this lasts forever, i love my girls very much.

Ai gracias Mica! Si tenemos q hacer algo, la semana que viene organizamos. Che, que rodeada de chongos estabas el sbado, te aman los hombres...

hey darling .....have fantastic christmas holidays happy new year ....and many many gift under your christmas tree a lots of kisses for you !!!
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